Two Eight obtains related international certificates and qualifications. Since founded, we have gained related international quality system certification to ensure the motivation of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. All our products have passed the strict test which help us win a lot of standardized qualifications domestically and internationally.
It is widely admitted that Two Eight is growing into a more famous Porcelain Dinner Set manufacturer in this industry. focuses on providing a variety of two eight ceramics for customers. The Two Eight restaurant crockery and cutlery sets with bright and smooth glaze are easy to clean. . boasts developed systems, processes, and procedures around the best people to enable us to set quality Porcelain Dinnerware Sets standards that are unmatched. Different shapes of plate are available including round, irregular and oval. . Two Eight maintains long-term cooperation with customers by pursuing the promise of honesty and service.
Taking Porcelain Dinner Set into seriously is one of the important part in business. Inquiry!
Guangdong Hosen Two Eight Industrial Co.,Ltd. is a professional ceramic tableware manufacturer. It is committed to provide customers with one-stop purchasing service for hotel supplies and catering suppliers about 20 years by now. Sitemap
Mobile: +86-18998415146
TEL: +86-20-39928600
Office Address: 3/F-4/F, Shaxi International Hotel Supplies City, Shaxi Village, Guangzhou City, China
Factory Address: Ditou lndustrial Zone, Fengxi District, Chaozhou City, China