If you want to really appreciate La Tequilera del patron, you don't need to know too much about the food in the Mexican interior, but it definitely helps.
The food here is not experimental, but a strong knowledge base helps diners understand when dishes are aligned with tradition and when they leave tradition.
It also helps them realize that the atmosphere of the restaurant is largely uploaded to the feel of the Mexican city.
For example, the traditional platter across Mexico-carne asada a la tampique-
Any place where Mexican food is served.
In La Tequilera, this is a skirt steak with mole enchilada, guacamole, Mexican rice and refrigerated beans.
The combination of most restaurants is slightly different, such as the use of red or green peppers, and the addition of grilled tortillas, including grilled Burano chili strips.
(The original tampique plate served in Dengsheng Mexico City in the 1930 s was recorded by a piece of dried beef called cecina, green enchilada, a grilled queso fresco and a cup of Pinto according to the history of the state government of tamalipas.
) Skirt steak in La Tequilera, high
The quality beef is cooked almost moderately, so it still has some red in the center, anchored a distinguished version of the tampiquña plate, this is what I have tried in Guadalajara, Mexico City, cuernavaca and Potosi, St. Louis.
Also traditionally, caldo tlalpeño named tlalpe Soup on the menu combines delicious chicken Soup with shredded chicken, Mexican rice, thick cut carrots, avocado pieces and panela cheese
The clean chicken flavor enhances the taste of the soup while a little jalapeno is placed on it.
Even mole poblano, while a little sweet for my taste, has an admirable variety of flavors and feels at home in an international Mexican restaurant.
The twist of the dish is corn-
The crepes were injected next to the mole and folded up like a parcel filled with Mexican rice.
The slight sweetness of the Crpe is well combined with the mole, and the rice adds more flavor.
To a large extent, it is good to deviate from tradition --
Conceived and fun, it seems intended to attract upscale Mexican locals who live nearby, who are more likely to arrive later in the evening.
One of the places to go is called the appetizer of chicharron de rib-
Eyes, consisting of small fried steak and delicious steak
Delicious avocado and tacos.
The beef conveys the texture of the pork, but for fun side-by-side, the taste of the beef.
A version of classic TexMex bacon-
Wrapped Mexican chillies reinterpret this from a Mexican perspective, filling the chillies with a queso mural instead of the American cream cheese mixture and placing them on a delicious black bean bed.
Definitely worth a try.
One of the desserts is the corn pie, which is very inspired.
The traditional sweet cream freeze gets extra depth from the taste of fresh corn, but the extra notes don't take up the dish.
A non-traditional specialty, chamorro de puerco, or pork handle, which has the ability to turn the head when the server takes it to the table. The meat-
The covered bones stand up on the plate and are anchored by a layer of frozen beans, including ground serranos and fried onions.
To be sure, not every deviation from tradition is effective.
Arrachera del "general" includes things that taste like the sun
Dry tomatoes made of fried mushrooms, roasted Panera, avocado and fried beans.
The extra ingredients may be to add another layer of flavor and freshness, but they are actually inappropriate
Put and remove from the original solid dishes.
Drink recommendation: While the house Tower is a great choice, try cucumber twist, a mixture of tequila, lime juice and simple syrup with a paste of cucumber inside, and
Very smooth and refreshing.
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