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restaurant vegetable side dishes how to choose the best vegetables to be side dishes

In fact, the best vegetables in side dishes are the ones you are most excited to eat.However, you need to start trying to cook a variety of foods and try to feel what you really like to eat.Unless you really plan on eating only one vegetable at night, it's a good idea to cook a small amount of multiple foods ---Whether you mix them up or notA good rule of thumb is to get as many different colors as possible on your plate.
Different colors are a sign that you get different vitamins in your diet and a great way to make sure you get a healthy diet.To keep your calories low, your meals are delicious and delicious, a good way to cook vegetable side dishes is to steam them.Add some spices such as rosemary, Baili, mouse plum, pepper or lemon pepper, add some simple low calorie varieties and add some garlic slices which taste good.
Some steam engines come with a fragrance screen and can easily add some spices to season the steam cooked by vegetables.Steamed vegetables include asparagus, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, peas, broccoli, corn, peppers, mung beans, Brussels sprouts and zucchini (and more ).For some of the other great vegetable combinations, consider cooking some eggplant and zucchini with some balsamic vinegar and oil, or corn, edamame and chili with a little bit of butter.
The possibilities are really endless.
-There are dozens of vegetables to choose from in frozen food channels, canned food channels and agricultural products areas.So, when looking at how to choose the best vegetable as a side dish, remember to change your color, try to limit the amount of oil you use and add some fresh herbs or spices, you will have some great tasting and healthy food in front of you

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