Gray Whale - California State Mammal - what are the tastiest dishes at mexican restaurants
by:Two Eight
California is located in the United States of America of West Coast.
This beautiful state on the Pacific coast borders Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and lower California in Mexico.
California is not just a tourist hotspot.
The climate here is varied, and the gray whale is the highlight.
California is known for its diverse geographical location and population. This third-largest U. S.
The state boasts a geographical location spanning the Pacific coast to the Sierra Nevada mountains, as well as a geographic location from the Mojave Desert to the lush redwood --
Douglas fir forest.
There are also beautiful gray whales in this state.
California boasts the gray whale as a "state mammal ".
It is unique to enter and leave the breeding grounds and breeding grounds every year.
It has an average length of more than 16 m kilometers and weighs more than 35 tons.
As we all know, they have lived for about 60 years and are also known as "devil fish" because of the fierce counterattack during hunting.
Another widely used name for this marine wonder includes "desert whale", "Gray back", "mussel Digger" and "rip Sack ".
The gray whale is the only species of Eschrichtius, which is unique.
This uniqueness also makes it the only genus in the Eschrichtiidae family.
This whale is considered a descendant of the "filter"
Feeding whales and its offspring can be traced back more than 30 million years!
Its extensive distribution in the North Pacific makes California its first choice.
The gray whale is called because of its dark slate. gray color.
It has all kinds of gray skin.
White patterns and parasitesscars.
It has about five shallow ditches on the lower side of the neck or throat area and lacks dorsal fins.
This "lack" is made up of multiple back "Knuckles.
As we all know, it has a population of about 26,000 people in and around California, and it spans the waters between Alaska and Baha' I, California.
Mammals breed and feed in small groups.
The speed of movement between breeding and foraging is almost 5 km/h, the longest recorded.
Large mammals attract parasites such as whale lice and rattan pots during migration.
These parasites thrive from the skin and damaged tissue of whales, and also live on the scraps of plankton and other food residues.
The movement of mammals into and out of the water, also known as destruction, helps them clear some of the skin parasites.
During migration, a very predictable breathing pattern was observed.
It blows about 5 times and before drowning its whole weight for the next 10 years it will lift its flute15 minutes.
Their breeding behavior is very complex, with the participation of three or more members.
About a year of pregnancy, every other year, the female will give birth.
Mr. calf tail.
The baby was born about 4 metres long, living on the submarine shellfish obtained from the bottom of the sea.
They go to California every year, covering a coast.
Nearly 12,500 miles of line travel, they cover the middle of October. December.
It is well known that this species can protect pregnant women and newborns in the specially identified calving lagoon.
Adult men, pregnant women, and teenagers leave first when migrating to breed.
Elderly women and calves follow.
Mammals build a reservoir of fat and fat to help it survive in harsh winter conditions.
These mysterious marine mammals were previously hunted for meat and oil.
Humans and killer whales or killer whales are their only known predators.
These mammals are now protected by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and are no longer hunted.
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