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Bone china manufacturers take you into the culture of bone china

by:Two Eight     2021-08-25
The wholesale dinnerware suppliers takes you into the bone china culture. It has a profound bone china culture origin, but compared with the requirements of the three forms of ceramic culture, there are also obvious shortcomings or deficiencies. Compared with some domestic ceramic cities, it is still There is a big gap, which needs to be improved as a whole. 1. The form of bone china culture products is not broad enough. It is necessary to further liberalize and expand bone china culture. In terms of product form, it mainly focuses on the practical function of the product, which reflects the value proliferation function and aesthetic function of the product. There is still a big distance from completion. In the decoration of daily-use chinaware ceramic, there are many porcelains that embody commonalities, but few that embody individuality, especially the lack of high-level artistic porcelains that can be passed down to the world. To improve the cultural level of chinaware ceramic and ceramics in the form of products, it is necessary to vigorously increase the technological and cultural content of daily-use porcelain white porcelin dinnerware and increase its market value; at the same time, artistic porcelain should be market-oriented, and vigorously increase the appreciation value and collection value of craft ceramic products, and expand Turn exhibits into commodities in their own market space and put them on the market in batches. 2. The enterprise's understanding and development of the cultural functions of bone china are mostly limited to how to realize the value of bone china and increase the economic benefits of the enterprise, but it does not play a sufficient role in how bone china culture can be integrated into the social culture and serve it. . There is a fracture phenomenon between bone china culture and social culture. For bone china companies, especially for bone china leaders, what they think about is nothing more than how to improve the technological and cultural content of their products, thereby increasing their value and obtaining good returns in the market. Bone porcelain white porcelin dinnerware enterprises should improve the overall cultural content and quality of the city through the sales of their own products and the construction of ceramic environmental cultural forms, and combine ceramic culture with urban culture, which not only improves the overall quality of urban culture, but also serves the ceramic industry and ceramic enterprises. Create a better cultural and humanistic social environment. 3. In terms of environmental form, bone china culture, no matter in society or in enterprises, there is still a lack of bone china culture atmosphere that bone china cities should have. The eastern and western cylinder kilns before the earthquake are the most concentrated areas of ceramic production. Therefore, it has become the community with the strongest ceramic atmosphere in the city. However, with the changes in the layout of the bone china industry, the ceramic culture there has become indifferent, and it is gradually becoming an urban community that is not much different from other residential areas. In the past 20 years, in the urban environment, the meaning and image of ceramic culture seems to be diminishing.
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