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why many fat free diets do not work - free article ... - calories in mexican restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-09-23
why many fat free diets do not work - free article ...  -  calories in mexican restaurant dishes
Most people understand that it is wise to limit fat content in their daily diet.
The dietary reference intake for adults ranges from 20% to 35% of daily calories [I;
Or about 44 to 55 grams per day [1].
Because a pecan pie contains 27 grams of fat and a tablespoon of kurajima salad sauce contains 8 grams of fat [ii], it is seen that more and more people are checking food labels and passing onion rings when trying to lose [2], it's not surprising, or keep inches and pounds.
However, the relentless avoidance of fat, and even the relentless avoidance of healthy unsaturated fat, are creating a disturbing scene for many individuals.
When they get fat, they are actually gaining weight instead of losing weight.
On the way to losing weight, many people forget to lose weight, or don't know the word to lose weight at all does not mean losing weight.
As a result, many people take in too much fat-free food and think it doesn't add weight because, alas, it's called fat-free food.
However, the calories in these fats --
Free food that causes weight gain;
Not Fat Ke himself [3].
A gram of fat contains nine calories, more than twice the calories in a gram of protein or carbohydrates.
So, mathematically, diners can consume twice as many protein or carbohydrate grams as fat grams and get the same calorie intake. Because a lot of high
Fat foods contain excessive fat grams, such as onion rings, and reducing fat intake and avoiding this greasy food has become the main content of diet wisdom [3].
However, it is worth repeating that the reason for avoiding obesity --
Rich food is not because of the word fat;
This is because every gram of fat contains a scale.
Tips for 9 calories
In other words: Weight-
The conscious reason to avoid excessive fat is because it causes an increase in calorie intake.
Those dieters who ignore this basic nutritional fact-weight gain is about calories, not fat grams themselves-are not aware of it, and often when they end up depressed, how does the body actually increase and lose weight.
A typical American adult male diet requires a daily intake of 2000 calories as this is the number of calories used and burned collectively (I. e.
Every day the body is transformed into energy.
For example, a male eater who consumes an average of 1800 calories a day can save 200 calories a day.
Since there are 3,500 calories per pound, in this case, the dieters will save 3,600 calories in 18 days (18x200 calories.
This means losing a pound.
Similarly, if the diet instrument consumes more than 200 calories a day, it will gain a pound in 18 days.
Dieters who do not know this mathematical formula can indeed completely avoid fat, for example, consuming 6 tablespoons of fat per day for free caramel toppings;
Believe this is not part of the weight gain equation as it is labeled fat-free.
This is not a false advertisement because the top of the caramel without fat does not contain fat grams.
However, the fat-free caramel top provides 103 calories per two tablespoons [iv].
If this diet eater insists on a diet of 44 grams of fat a day-
Not counting calories--
Then, he did not know at all that 309 of the calories in these 6 tablespoons were large;
Or 15% of the total daily calorie intake in the 2000 calories/day diet.
In fact, dieters can survive entirely on fatty-free foods and can easily exceed their target daily calorie intake at the second meal of the day.
These excess calories are clearly not produced by fat grams;
But they come from another source, most likely carbs.
Again, the message that many dieters do not get from advertising and marketing media is that fat itself does not necessarily lead to weight gain.
On the contrary, fat grams contribute to the intake of total calories and should be calculated in conjunction with carbohydrates and proteins.
An unnecessary layer of complexity is added here. many healthy foods, such as energy bars, contain excessive calories.
For example, a chocolate chip energy bar contains 230 calories;
This is actually 40 calories less than a butter finger candy stick [v.
Unfortunately, because the energy bar contains 2 grams of fat, so the fat content is very low, some dieters eat a few a day;
Despite the fact that few of these calories come from fat, 230 calories are consumed each time.
This is not important;
If it exceeds his or her daily calorie intake threshold, dieter will still gain weight.
Looking forward to yogurt eaters
The covered bar was also misled; the yogurt-
Berry Balance Bar foods contains 200 calories per serving, although in fact only 25% of the calories come from its 6 grams of fat.
However, there are some responsible nutritional supplements on the market that are designed to be low-fat/low-fatfree and low-calorie.
When dieters lose weight, these foods are good for them, as are the fragile periods after losing weight.
It is regrettable that many very well-meaning dieters have made great progress and sacrifices in the first few months after losing weightdietx94 months.
While many factors, including environmental and genetic factors, affect whether the weight loss person will recover, a major culprit is that the weight loss person does not get a low weight. fat, low-
Once they achieve their weight loss goals, calories and delicious food sources will appear.
As a result, they have restored their previous eating habits and unwanted weight will recover in a few weeks.
However, as mentioned earlier, there are indeed smart nutritional supplements on the market that fill this gap and fill the gap for both the dieters and the post-
Dieters eat food that they need to stay healthy and prevent weight gain.
For the sake of current and future dieters, they will struggle with the misleading marketing of Saffat free foods, hoping that such smart companies and their products will quickly become the norm in the future, not the exception of today.
[1] fat grams contain 9 calories per gram.
[2] 3 grams of fat per onion circle!
[3] As noted above, many dieters are not aware of the need for healthy unsaturated fats in the body;
The body cannot produce fat by itself, it must obtain fat by diet.
However, even unsaturated fat grams contain 9 calories of heat, so the understanding of fat should be strictly limited.
[I] Source: desunsaturated Fat GmbH. Discover Healthcom. http://health. discovery.
Source: Food fat content
Weight Control Center.
http://holisticonline .
[3]: Watch fat. Caloriesx94.
Good Room Service/iVillage.
http://magazines . ivillage.
Com/goodhousekeeping/diet/nutrition/qas/0,284558 _ 291893,00. html?
[4] Source: fat-free.
Regular calorie comparisons.
Food and Drug Administrationhttp://www. fda.
[V] Source: Energy and Energy in Bars. Healthcentral. http://www. healthcentral.
Com/FitorFat/fitorfatfull text. cfm?
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