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why | - how to properly wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-19
why  |  -  how to properly wash dishes in a restaurant
Your dishwasher is designed to make it easier to wash dishes.
You just put them in the machine and put in the detergent and have the appliance do the job for you.
But sometimes the dishes are still dirty after a washing cycle.
Many factors make a difference between a clean plate and a dirty one.
Setting the dishwasher in a short washing cycle can save energy and water, but it may not make your plate clean as you would like.
The short cycle is suitable for dishes that are not too dirty, so if you have a load that needs to be thoroughly cleaned, make sure to run a full cleaning cycle.
Scrape off excess food and debris from your plate and rinse with hot water before putting it into the dishwasher.
Water temperature is very important for washing dishes.
Using cold or warm water is not as clean as using hot water.
Check the water temperature setting on the dishwasher to make sure it is set to hot.
Also, check the temperature on your hot water tank.
It should be set at about 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dishwashing detergent is essential for washing dishes.
Using the wrong detergent type or quantity will make the dishes dirty.
Make sure to use only the recommended quantity according to the label.
Use detergents designed for automatic dishwashers.
More detergent may be needed to clean the plate if you have hard water.
You can buy test strips to test if your water is hard or soft and then adjust your detergent level accordingly.
Your dishwasher has a filter located at the bottom of the machine.
Check the filter to clear any debris or deposits that may accumulate.
Blocked filters do not allow free circulation of water, which can cause dirty dishes.
The spray arm on the dishwasher will also be blocked by accumulation.
The spray arm is usually located at the bottom of the dishwasher;
However, some models also have one at the top.
Use toothpicks or similar items to remove any deposits left in the spray arm.
Scrub the detergent Cup with an old toothbrush and hot soapy water to remove the soap build up.
If the detergent cups are blocked by dirt, they may not be opened at the appropriate time, which may result in dirty dishes.
A dirty or faulty drain valve may cause your plate to not be cleaned properly.
The drain valve drains the dirty water from the machine.
Check the drain valve to ensure sundries are removed.
If you hear the water coming out of the drain pipe connected to the dishwasher, the drain valve may be damaged and needs to be replaced.
Load the dishwasher in the right way to ensure that the spray arm and other components work properly.
Make sure that the spray arm is not blocked by the plate and leave enough space between the plates so that the water flows through normally.
Mineral deposits sometimes accumulate on the heating elements of the machine and other internal components.
This mineral comes from tap water.
To clean up the deposit, fill the detergent dispenser with white vinegar and run the full washing cycle.
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