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why do restaurants reuse utensils or dishes Why Do I Need A Gluten Free Diet?

by:Two Eight     2019-08-09
why do restaurants reuse utensils or dishes Why Do I Need A Gluten Free Diet?
You just heard the news from the doctor.Or, perhaps you have come to the conclusion yourself, perhaps after conflicting medical tests and endless lists of symptoms.That said, it's a real moment-you start a gluten-free diet.The point is that you don't know what you're doing.Going low fat?Cut the pizza and the baby's back ribs.Low sodium?Throw away the salt bottle.Gluten free?Well ...... Can you repeat this question?When my husband had to start a gluten free diet, that was the case with our family.We vaguely know what gluten is, and we know how painful he is, but we don't know how they are connected.As soon as we hear the news, then what?Is this dramatic change really necessary? Do I have to throw away everything in the kitchen in order to achieve this?It was a challenge at first, but we survived.Let me show you what gluten is, where it lurks, what it might look like with your diarrhea or gluten sensitive symptoms, how gluten really hurts people who need to avoid it.What is this gluten?A few weeks before my husband was diagnosed, grocery shopping was overwhelming and exhausting.Is gluten true?If it jumps off the ingredient label and hits my nose, do I know it's gluten?Label-Reading can be difficult because gluten comes from a small number of different grains and is made into millions of different ingredients without labeling "this looks like gluten.This is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.Kneading the bread dough activates gluten and creates a strong but flexible structure for the bread.Oats are technically gluten free, but it is often grown and processed near wheat fields, so the risk of crossingPollution is good.So-Oats, known as "clean", are grown and processed in isolated fields, have dedicated equipment, and are tested frequently to eliminate this risk of contamination.I didn't know the gluten would be in it, so you throw away the bread, pasta, doughnuts and pizza crust and a large bag of flour on the back rack.That's all right?It's a good start, but it's not enough.The gluten free diet goes far beyond obvious sources.From now on, you need to open your reading glasses and be comfortable with food labels.Gluten can be found in malt spices (oh, not checking almost any mainstream grain boxes), "natural spices" (one of the fuzzy ingredients at the end of many labels, A random appearance of flour (such as potato chips or a mixture of nuts.Do you understand what I mean?It's much like finding Waldo in one of the books, except that Waldo sometimes walks around and changes his shirt without telling you.Have you heard something about "pollution?Yes, you did.Gluten is essentially a poison for some people.Avoid it completely and consistently.Otherwise, they may have uncomfortable symptoms and potential physical injuries.Gluten sensitivity and diarrhea can have very similar symptoms.But according to the current study, only diarrhea shows evidence of real intestinal damage.These symptoms include diarrhea, stomach cramps, apparent or accidental weight loss, "foggy brain" sensation, headache, general fatigue, abdominal pain, swelling, joint pain, another condition that seems worse or worse can not improve, depression, irritability, muscle cramps, sore mouth and other dental problems.Children may not grow well, "cannot thrive", or may appear to be ill and have some of the other symptoms described above.Behavior problems and autism were found to be associated with diarrhea and gluten sensitivity.Although this is a bit controversial and there is no conclusion yet, more experts are still working on these links.The list of possible symptoms is a long and tortuous path, and the end result of everyone is not always spelling something obvious like "Hey, I have a problem with gluten!"There are very few people who, if there are any obvious symptoms, will only be confirmed if they have a colonoscopy (usually because of other ongoing medical or assessment.Other people have all kinds of symptoms all the time.You may notice that not all symptoms are digested.The key to keep in mind is that a patient with diarrhea who is not really treated is also experiencing poor nutritional absorption in food.The food came in, but they couldn't get a lot from it.These symptoms or changes develop and affect over time.Abdominal symptoms are often overlooked, misunderstood, abused, ignored or minimized for many years before a correct diagnosis is found.Who can blame anyone for taking that long to fix this?With such a wide range of symptoms, the problem can easily be seen as a harmless problem and has no connection with the larger picture.It is unreasonable to assume that any random period of stomachache or fatigue is the result of a lifetime medical problem.Sounds a bit too much.It's dramatic, right?When it starts to affect your life in a way that you can't ignore, it's usually when the pieces fall together.Only when my husband starts to lose weight do we really take action to solve this problem.Once we get a diagnosis, look at it later.Looking in the mirror, we can easily see the symptoms of our mistakes.Inflammation is a very bad phenomenon, and it is absolutely necessary for anyone diagnosed with diarrhea to avoid gluten at all costs-the biggest cause of damage to the body caused by chronic inflammation.Remember all the things about poor nutrition absorption?The reason for this is because gluten causes automaticThe immune response in the intestines causes a lot of inflammation.Basically, the body attacks itself when gluten is around.This constant inflammation can lead to obvious symptoms such as pain and discomfort.It also began to destroy the fluff (little finger-Like projections arranged on the digestive tract), these projections do all the nutrient absorption.Over time, inflammation will wear these flushes into nub.Enter the general symptoms of diarrhea, poor absorption, weight loss, fatigue, headache and malnutrition.Fortunately, there is a way to restore the digestive tract to its original purpose and structure.It's called a gluten-free diet.Yep, that’s it.Completely avoiding gluten at this point is treatment.Medication can sometimes help with symptoms, or you may need other treatments when you are initially cured.But once you have been diagnosed with diarrhea, the food is your medicine.For those of you who want to know the gluten sensitivity, you may get any of the aboveSymptoms mentioned, but there is no (or very little) evidence of damage to your digestive tract.But even so, who wants to get sick like this all the time?If your body is constantly plagued by symptoms and malnutrition, then it will not work properly.In general, the treatment of gluten sensitivity at any level is a gluten free diet.Gluten free diet-good for health. The whole goal of a gluten-free diet is to help your body recover and stay healthy.Yes, the beginning can be confusing and frustrating.Yes, you may miss the food you used to eat (it's normal, it's OK ).Yes, you may need to explain yourself for a while before people understand what you are saying.But through all this you get a priceless gift-a healthier body that you can use and enjoy.
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