which chinese restaurant in plano has dishes spinach and soybean Best Asian Soup Recipes: Chinese Shrimp, Spinach And Tofu Soup Recipe
by:Two Eight
Some people shudder at the thought of tofu, but personally, I like it. My favorite health features associated with it, as long as it's in something else like soup or smoothies, it works for me! Tofu and spinach; However, when the shrimp was added, he found it very delicious. This is one of the things that is not easy to make soup, when you want to have a light first course for an Asian meal (or any meal), or a lighter one than a usual dinner, this is the ticket. Prawn or medium shrimpThe size of the peeled shrimp (I am in 10-3-1 tablespoon lowerCut the tofu into 12 small pieces, about 1/4 thick each. Tear the spinach into small pieces. Roll and cook the broth in a pan. Add tofu, shrimp and soy sauce. If used, add other ingredients other than scallions. Add spinach and simmer for a minute. Slightly remove the surface, clarify the broth, adjust the seasoning, and serve immediately.
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