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when you buy sushi in a restaurant, you are also paying ... - popular japanese restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-09-12
when you buy sushi in a restaurant, you are also paying ...  -  popular japanese restaurant dishes
When you buy sushi at a Japanese restaurant, you are also buying a cooking experience.
In this article, learn how to enjoy this experience more by learning some proper etiquette.
When you go to a Japanese restaurant, you will not only buy sushi, but also pay for the full experience of eating Japanese food.
Many people think that eating sushi is really starting to become more and more popular, which is one of the reasons.
However, before you go to a local restaurant, you should know that there are certain dos and don \ 'ts when eating sushi.
Let's review some of the most exceptional etiquette of sushi dining.
When you first enter the restaurant, you should consider where you want to sit.
If you want a full interactive experience, you should have the host or hostess arrange a seat for you at the bar.
This will give you the best knowledge of the meals being prepared and you can also interact with sushi chef itamae.
Even sitting in the bar, there is something to look forward to when interacting with itamae.
When you order, you only place an order with the chef and all other items, such as drinks, should be handed over to the waiter or waitress.
When you think about what you want to eat, as a chef, you can recommend what he recommends and they usually give you good advice.
Ask if there is something fresh in itamae that is considered very bad.
This is considered very insulting and if you have any questions about the freshness of the food provided, you should consider eating elsewhere.
If you visit a restaurant a lot, you must try to build a rapport with itamae as they will take good care of their best climate.
The best way to build a good relationship with the chef is to respect his or her conversation.
This means trying to limit you to distract them when they look very busy, but keep talking to them when they seem a little calm.
Another good way to build rapport with itamae is to give them a beer or sake which is very acceptable.
After dinner, you should tip the chef and waitress separately.
Usually the chef will have a tip tank and your tip should be there because they work with the food and don't touch the money.
Tips for waiters or waitresses should be placed on the table normally.
Remember, you choose to buy sushi in a restaurant to enjoy the whole experience, so here are some simple tips so you don't look amateur when you eat sushi.
First of all, it is OK to eat sushi by hand.
If your soup doesn't give you a spoon, don't ask for a spoon, just lift the bowl to your mouth and direct the food to your mouth with a chop stick, don't stick your ribs together.
When you choose to buy sushi in a restaurant, be prepared for a wonderful culinary experience.
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