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When Kids Eat Out - low calorie dishes at restaurants

by:Two Eight     2020-01-26
When Kids Eat Out  -  low calorie dishes at restaurants
A new study found that teenagers are increasingly eating fried food outside, and the older they are, the more often they are.
The authors argue that these trends may indicate significant risks, as the most frequent young people who go out to eat are usually the heaviest children, who gain the most weight in a year.
Elsie M, head of research, noted that these are the worrying prospects of the country, where obesity has reached prevalence even among children
Harvard Medical School pediatrician Taveras
She added that this finding was not surprising, as studies of adults have shown that restaurants tend to be larger in size than home cooks, people react by consuming more calories on the day of eating out.
As participants in this study --
Representing all 50 states.
At least one parent has been educated in diet and health.
Their mothers are nurses as part of a long-term surveyrunning diet-and-
Health research managed by Harvard School of Public Health.
Taver's team issues a 4-year diet questionnaire to more than 14,000 boys and girls aged 9 to 14 each year.
The recruits only include children who appear to be eating normally, which means they don't have an obvious diet or eating disorder, Taveras said.
In addition to providing information about their height, weight, physical activity and physical maturity, volunteers also estimate how often they eat fried food --
Like chips or chicken nuggets.
Leave home every week.
The last number is roughly the same as how often children usually eat fast. Food restaurant.
So, says Taveras, fried food
Food problems seem to attract most visitors to fast.
Food restaurant.
This is important because of the high heat of fried foods, as are soft drinks, pastries, sausages and burgers --fast-
Food usually eaten with French fries or fried chicken.
In October, the Harvard research group reported that at the beginning of the study, 3.
5% of girls and 6% of boys said they went out to eat fried food four to seven times a week.
But that's the highest overall number.
Consumption category.
There are fewer and fewer teenagers eating out so often, 13-to-14-year-olds did.
In the elderly group, 4.
4% of girls and 7.
7% of the boys said they ate the restaurant.
Eat fried food four to seven times a week.
Three years later, the total rate of eating out among these teenagers has more than doubled.
Each year, the researchers also calculate the body of each child.
Age-based mass index (BMI)
A specific formula that describes the child's physical maturity.
These calculations suggest that a child's BMI tends to be higher (fatter) and that he or she eats fast food outside of home more often.
Also, children who say they eat these foods four to seven times a week weigh more each year than those who are lower
Consumer groups.
The extra harvest is small, but it is important that Taveras point out that even the initial average can be put in place without checking --
Weight children at risk of overweight.
The biggest surprise of the study for Taveras is that the more children eat outside, the less healthy their overall diet seems to be.
They are increasingly likely to drink whole milk instead of skim milk and sugar --
Sweet drinks.
They report that eating more red meat and processed meat (such as cold plates and sausages) is less likely to take multivitamin daily.
Overall, the blood sugar load in their diet
Measure the speed at which the consumed food is broken down into blood sugar --
It is also higher than that of children who don't eat out often. Consuming high-glycemic-
Load meals are a risk factor for multiple chronic diseases including diabetes and.
Finally, not only do children who often eat fried foods consume a lot of fat, but they also eat a lot of the most unhealthy fat --
Saturated fat.
It's not surprising because it's low
The cost Restaurant likes to use fat and sugar to make the light food delicious.
For restaurants, saturated fat is much cheaper than healthy single saturated fat such as olive oil and vegetable oil (see ).
In general, Taveras and her colleagues concluded that these data and related studies indicate that eating fried foods and other fast food at home frequently has a "detrimental effect" on weight and quality of diet ".
"In addition to that, there are fat or sweet snacks, soft drinks and other non-fat foods.
Rich nutrition, high
Many high school and high school calorie foods.
In many buffet restaurants, thesethan-
A federal-funded study shows that ideal foods compete directly and actively with the attention, money and appetite of school children (see ).
Don't ask a doctor to intervene on this issue.
At least not very soon.
An important new study found that doctors do not often discuss the child's weight with their families.
In fact, it found that the smaller the child, the less likely the topic will appear.
Even among overweight teenagers over the age of 15
The age group in which doctors are most likely to warn about weight problems --
Only 52% reported that health professionals had come up with anything about their body shape, not to mention ways to cut their weight.
Families are responsible for these problems.
A parent's strategy may be to encourage teenagers to eat more at home at family gatherings, Taveras said.
She said that this strategy not only helps slimmer, healthier teens, but may also provide parents with an opportunity to connect with busy teens --
In addition to eating fried food, young people face the temptation to try other dangerous behaviors.
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