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what is laotian food? here’s what you need to know about the main ingredients and typical dishes from lao cuisine - most popular thai restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-10-13
what is laotian food? here’s what you need to know about the main ingredients and typical dishes from lao cuisine  -  most popular thai restaurant dishes
If you 've ever had a green papaya salad, cloth or sticky rice, you'll have Lao cuisine.
There are many similarities in food in northern Thailand.
The key difference is that Lao dishes use a lot of herbs and vegetables and all dishes are cooked and served immediately.
No slow-boiled dishes or overnight marinades.
A typical Lao meal consists of many dishes and common meals.
As with most cuisine, Lao cuisine is also determined by the environment.
Feeding in the jungle becomes a necessity when needed.
From there, a wide variety of insects and unusual jungle plants have become staple food in Laos.
Glutinous rice is another staple in Lao food, with sticky rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
It can be eaten by itself or rolled into a ball to scoop up other dishes.
French influence is still evident in the capital, Vientiane, where French baguette is sold on the streets.
In London, you can enjoy it at the Lao gourmet restaurant owned and operated by Sephen Moore, a Thai Cafe in Rosa.
Her grandparents had to leave Laos to choose from the Mekong River to northern Thailand.
Their community still speaks Lao dialect and cooks food for their home country.
Padaek is made from fermented fresh water fish, which is equivalent to fish Dew, but more spicy with large pieces of fish inside.
This is an important condiment that gives the flavor of most Southeast Asian dishes.
This sauce is the key to Lao cuisine for cooking and dipping sauce.
Insects like locusts and crickets are also featured in the original dishes of Laos.
The most popular are ant larvae, bamboo caterpillars, grass gras and crickets.
In London, you can taste ant egg mushroom curry at the old cafe.
Most of the local cuisine in Laos comes from fresh vegetables such as bamboo and mushrooms.
Use local alternatives outside Laos.
Some of the more unique herbs they use are lemon dill and "Farang herbs ".
The latter refers to foreign celery, but it is not celery that we found in the British supermarket.
It is difficult to buy these ingredients in London.
Sephen Moore obtained her produce from farmers in her hometown.
She keeps in touch with the community and supports farmers who grow rice, herbs and vegetables for her.
The most typical dishes in Laos are Laba, green papaya salad and Lao Curry.
Laab is one of the most popular and important dishes in Laos, and is a hot and sour dish mixed with many fresh herbs and vegetables from minced meat.
Like most families, it provides services during celebrations and banquets
Every family has its own recipe.
This seasoning is typical of Lao cuisine, mixed with white pae, dill, lemon basil, roasted shredded rice, Farang herbs, coriander, mint, scallions and green juice.
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The old version of green papaya salad is different from that of Thailand.
They use marinated crabs, lemon basil, dill, plenty of chili, lime juice and Padak.
This is always eaten with glutinous rice.
Lao Curry is not made of coconut milk.
Instead, the curry is thickened with rice by using soaked and mashed sticky rice.
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