what are the most common side dishes at chicken restaurants what type of cuisine do restaurants in mexico serve?
by:Two Eight
Many first-Tourists to Mexico were shocked by the large number of restaurants in the capital.In fact, there are a lot of great restaurants in Mexico with different styles of food to choose from, but if you want to taste local cuisine then you may try traditional Mexican food.It's not just Mexican meals offered in the US, Europe and Canada, but rather, it's a highly complex dish, mainly based on the traditions of many people who have settled in and around Mexico City.The most important thing you have to understand about the traditional food that Mexican restaurants offer is probably that they focus on corn (corn) products.Since there is no wheat or barley crop in Central America to produce flour, this is the main bread crop.Therefore, products made of corn, such as tortillas, are often used instead of slices or rolls.Corn, as well as corn products developed from this grain, remains one of the most common starch foods in the country, and top restaurants in Mexico will also introduce tortillas, tortillas and different corn breads.Another food that has a long tradition in Mexican cooking is chocolate.After all, the word itself comes from Aztec cuisine, probably from navatel or yukatis.To be sure, several people in South America use chocolate in cooking, a basic staple for the Maya and Aztecs.Unlike European hot chocolate, traditional Mexican dishes usually add different flavors, including chili, vanilla and fruit.Unlike Europe, chocolate is not only used as a dessert ingredient in Mexican restaurants, but is usually used in sauces, especially Wells.The seasoning of the mole.Anyone who eats at the best restaurants in Mexico may experience the diversity of Mexican cuisine, which usually contain a large amount of corn, usually sweet corn and beans.Then season with cinnamon, pepper, garlic and herbs.Restaurants in northern Mexico can usually use these mixed foods as a side dish for barbecue, while southern states can usually focus on chicken or vegetable dishes that taste and cook in a style much like the Caribbean.Mexican cuisine has a long history, anyone going to one of the various restaurants in the capital or other parts of the country, I will be able to experience the centuries of experiments and additions that have taken place in the history of Mexican cooking.
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