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Types of Tuna - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-02
Types of Tuna  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
Tuna, one of the fastest-swimming fish, is a popular wild fish.
It is also a precious food.
This biological article explains how many types of tuna are available and how some belong to subgenus, species and subgenus.
It means "rush ". This torpedo-
The streamlined fish is properly described as "Ocean Ferrari ".
This is a good warrior and it's hard to catch.
Because tuna is the champion.
Swimming distance.
It is also a very popular fish.
Due to growing demand for canned tuna, certain types of tuna are widely harvested for meat.
Most fish are cold. blooded.
But the tuna is warm. blooded.
Organs located near the muscles, known as "retia mirabilia", can prevent heat loss through fish gills and help maintain body temperature above the surrounding water.
The various physical features of these fish help them swim quickly, maintain their body temperature, and dive deeper in the cold waters of lack of oxygen.
The "combrinae" sub-family of the family is divided into four tribes, including different Mackerels, Spanish Mackerels, Bonitos and Tunas. . .
About 1 m (3. 3 feet) long.
The weight can be around 10 kg.
It is located in the Southern Ocean between the South 20 ° and the 50 ° latitude.
This is a species that goes to school occasionally.
It is rarely caught because of its greasy flesh.
It is usually on the east coast of tazhou.
It is located in the Atlantic Ocean, India and Pacific Ocean, 50 metres (164) deep.
It also appears in the Mediterranean.
The maximum length of this tuna is 50 cm (1.
The weight is 4 lbs (1 lbs ). 8 kg).
It can be identified with the pattern of zig-
The zag-like dark mark of the rear upper body.
The color of the body is silver and the fins are dark gray. .
It is mainly distributed in the eastern Pacific. It is a ray-
The fin (the fin is a skin net supported by a bone or horny Thorn) hard bone fish. It can be 2 -3. 3 ft long.
It could weigh 30 lbs.
It usually lives for six years.
The length of this fish can be 2. 6 -4 ft.
It has a life span of up to 10 years.
It weighs up to 36 lbs and is the most popular sport fish due to its high speed and excellent combat effectiveness.
Found in the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas, it is the most common tuna in the Atlantic Ocean.
It can be identified with the help of worms
Like the mark on its back.
The black spots between its thoracic and abdominal fins are also easily noticed.
Small tuna filled with oil is a great bait for sharks and Marlins.
It has very low nutrients and is not usually used as a food fish.
Some cases of ciguatera poisoning after eating the fish were reported. This ray-
Fin fish can be 2-2.
It is 8 feet long and can weigh 26 lbs.
It is located in tropical Pacific Eastern.
The fish, also known as the Arctic squid, does not believe him, Barrack. This medium-
The size of the tuna can be 3 feet long and usually weighs 8 lbs. 10 kg.
It can be identified by corselet (large and thick round band around the body) at the back of the head.
There is no balance for the rest of the body.
Tuna is an important fish.
It is a constant part of Japanese cuisine.
Known as "real tunas ".
Albacore is commonly referred to as albie, pig fish, tombo ahi, binnaga, German bon fish, long fin tuna/tuna, etc.
This cool water creature spawn in warm tropical waters.
It is a highly migratory species.
It exists in all tropical and temperate seas and the Mediterranean Sea.
Its chest fin is very long.
This tuna is about one.
It is 4 metres long and may weigh 60 kg.
It lived for about 12 years.
In the United States, only albacore tuna is called "white meat tuna ".
It plays an important role in fish breeding.
This is a delicious food and the most popular one.
After sports fish.
The condition of the tuna was "almost threatened ".
According to information collected by the ISSF Scientific Advisory Committee, the albacore population in the north and south of the Atlantic Ocean is overfished.
It is also a highly migratory tuna.
This tuna can be more than 2 metres in length and can be more than 250 kg kilograms in weight.
It lived for about 20 years. This torpedo-
Tuna is one of the largest hard bone fish in the world.
The tuna has a body of silver and white, distributed in the South Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.
They can reach a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.
The species is listed as "extremely endangered species" on the red list of endangered species of the conservation union ".
It is available throughout Australian waters.
It is distributed in the subtropical and tropical areas of the Atlantic, India and the Pacific.
Because of the unique physical properties (vascular counter-
This tuna can feed in colder waters and can withstand oxygen
Poor waters of 1. 0 ml/L-1.
This species can be identified by its plump body, large head, medium-sized pecs and larger eyes (large spherical lenses function well in case of insufficient light ).
About 2 metres long, probably 150-200 kg.
These are all fresh or frozen.
The average life of this tuna is 10-16 years.
It is an important food fish and a wild fish.
The tuna is "fragile ".
Their population has fallen sharply due to over-fishing.
They are overfished as a valuable commercial species.
These tuna can live for more than 20 years.
They are common in the North Pacific.
However, they also exist in the southern hemisphere.
They are highly immigrant and often visit the South Pacific.
They spawn near Okinawa and Honshu island in southern Japan.
An adult is about nine years old.
8 feet (3 metres) long, probably weighing about 990 (450 kg ).
They live to be 15 years old. 25 years.
Most of the Pacific and Atlantic bluefin tuna are eaten in Japan.
It is suitable for sashimi and sushi recipes, and the price is very high.
Atlantic tuna is the largest of all tuna varieties. A 4. 6 m (15 ft.
The 1,508-pound (684 kg-pound) long Atlantic bluefin tuna is the largest tuna ever recorded.
For food, the tuna can dive deep into the depths of 1,000 m (550 m.
Although all the tuna is warm
The energetic bluefin tuna is excellent in body temperature regulation.
So they can feed in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.
It is believed that these fish can live for 50 years.
They usually live 15-30 years.
These smooth and powerful tuna are overfished.
Sushi and sashimi are valuable ingredients at a very high price.
While a female can produce up to 30 million eggs, this is declared an "endangered" species.
They are found in tropical and subtropical oceans around the world.
People often see them swimming near the water with other tuna (such as skip fish and big-eyed tuna) and dolphins.
Teenagers grow rapidly and weigh 3 kilograms.
It reached 4 kg in about 18 months.
Both big-eyed tuna and yellowfin tuna are called "ahi ".
A yellowfin tuna can weigh more than 400 (180 kg) and can last up to 10 years.
Its dorsal fins, fins and fins are bright yellow.
The body is dark blue or black, and the silver abdomen is yellow.
With its streamlined body and folded fins, this tuna can swim at a speed of 80 kilometers. genus.
From Cape Cod to Brazil, it was found in the western Atlantic Ocean.
It is about 39 inch (100 cm) long and weighs about 46 pounds (21 kg ).
Its back is black.
The yellow color on the sides of Finlets and body is easily noticed.
This is a short one. lived species.
This is the second one.
The smallest of all tuna.
The main feature of this species is the lack of a swimming bladder (air-
A filling capsule that helps the fish to maintain buoyancy ).
Slender spots of silver oval
The white body of this tuna is arranged horizontally.
The second dorsal fin and anal fin are slightly yellow.
The black tail fin is also yellow. green tinge.
The belly of these tuna is silver and white.
The top is dark blue or black (dorsally ).
They can grow up to 145 (57 inch), but their common length is about 70 cm.
A long tail tuna may weigh 35 lbs.
9 kilograms (79 lbs ).
Large meat fish like tuna, sailfish and Sharks contain the highest levels of mercury, a harmful element that seriously affects the human nervous system.
Large species such as bluefin tuna and long fin tuna may have high mercury levels.
The average total mercury content of long fin tuna is. 14 ± . 05 ppm.
Tuna should be avoided for pregnant women, lactating women and children.
Processing techniques such as canning, freezing or cooking do not help reduce mercury content.
However, the mercury content of canned tuna is usually lower than that of other tuna, as the tuna used for cans is getting smaller (less than a year old ).
Albacore and skipjack tunas are popular varieties of tuna, especially canned.
As tuna swim fast, they almost need to eat continuously.
Although they belong to large predatory fish, they also have predators that make their living, such as killer whales, pilot whales, sharks, and of course humans.
It should be remembered that tuna, as a top predator, helps to maintain balance in the marine environment.
In the long run, over-fishing can disrupt the stability of the food chain and affect the balance of marine life.
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