tuscan bone china tea sets history of elizabethan fine bone china | ehow
by:Two Eight
The fine bone porcelain of the Elizabethan period is a fine porcelain with shredded flowersgold-Plated or silverAlthough there is a British tradition, its origin is Chinese.Bone china was first popular in Europe, especially in the Elizabethan era, so it was named the fine bone china of the Elizabethan period.The Elizabethan era refers to Elizabeth I, the daughter of King Henry VIII, the age of the Queen of England.Elizabeth is an art lover.Whether Royal, noble or wealthy, China is well received by the rich.China (bone porcelain) was originally imported from China, especially in the Ming dynasty;However, Europeans began to produce themselves.Bone porcelain is a special kind of porcelain made of real beef bones or ashes called calcined bones.It can be identified by bright white and strength.The full set of porcelain will include larger plates, salad plates, bowls, pans and cups.You can also find pitcher, teapot, cream, sugar bowl, plate and cake plate.China will be white, most likely painted with flowers or fruit, with gold --Plated edges and/or handles.Today, you will find the original in the auction and museum display, as well as many through less-Expensive venuesChina is used for decoration display or catering.Originally, China was painted in blue and white.The silver gold-plated and colored logo was later added and can be placed in the Elizabethan period.Later, a gold plate was added
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