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Things You Need to Know Before Keeping a Pet Rope Fish - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-02
Things You Need to Know Before Keeping a Pet Rope Fish  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
Rope fish can be a great addition to any aquarium thanks to its snakes --
Like appearance and gentle nature.
In this PetPonder article, we will discuss everything you need to know about this fish, the facts you need to consider before taking this fish home, and other rope fish care tips.
Calab fish, also known as reed fish, is a freshwater fish belonging to the family of calab fish.
The fish are native to parts of Africa and are found in the chilogo River in Congo and the Ogon River in Nigeria.
They are great community fish tanks that hold non-
Aggressive species
It is not difficult to take care of the rope fish because they are calm in character.
Regular feeding and cleaning of fish tanks, as well as some arrangements to keep them in the aquarium, will keep your rope fish healthy and give them a long life span.
It is very easy to identify the rope fish.
It has a slender body with a scaly pattern that makes it look like a woven rope.
It can grow to about 17 inch long, and the fish lacks the presence of abdominal fins.
They usually have black spots on the bottom of their pecs.
The dorsal fin of the fish is divided into 10-12 sections;
However, since these fins usually remain flat, it is difficult to see them.
It's also not easy to see their anal fins.
It should be noted that the sex of the rope fish can be determined by studying the anal fin.
Male anal fins are wider, with intervals of 12-
Rays that are usually separated from the tail fin.
The female anal fins are only 8 apart-
12 rays, eventually merged with the tailfin.
The color of the fish can be green or gray with yellow or white underneath.
The rope fish is gentle and curious in nature.
However, due to their compliance, they are usually attacked by aggressive tank partners.
Fish are considered great escape artists as they can easily glide through small cracks and often try to jump out of the aquarium.
One unique thing about the rope fish is that it can survive in the water for a few hours because it has both lungs and fins.
Most of the fish are active at night;
However, they come out occasionally during the day.
The rope fish have poor eyesight, but they have a good sense of smell. they are used to find food.
The most important factor in rope fish conservation is the establishment of a suitable habitat.
Diet is another important factor in the care of rope fish.
Young rope fish need two small meals a day, while adults need a big meal for a few days.
Most rope fish prefer to eat live food, and while they were reluctant to eat commercially made fish food in the first place, there was a time when they could learn to eat flakes or small balls.
Live shrimp, worms, larvae, or small pieces of fish are popular with rope fish.
However, due to the segmented nature of shrimp and worms, their bodies break when eating and pollute the water tank, so it is important to replace the water frequently.
To avoid trouble, try live fish like guppies.
Rope fish can easily swallow all the food, so large and hard food can pose a risk of suffocation.
Therefore, it is better to soak and soften flakes or particles in a bowl of water before feeding.
It's always better to have 2-
Because these fish like the company of their own kind, 3 rope fish are in the fish tank, not just one.
If you really want to add other types of fish to the tank, make sure they areAggressive type.
The tame nature of the rope fish will make it the target of aggressive fish species.
On the other hand, the rope fish is a natural predator, so any small
The size of the fish that can be put into the mouth can be eaten by the rope fish. Non-
Positive, medium, large-
Tank partners of the size of the likes of backhooks, angelfish, bala shares and big gouramis are ideal partners for rope fish.
Covering the rope fish with cigu can be risky as they are usually offensive in nature.
However, with discus or Bolivian ram ciclids you will have a better chance as they are not so aggressive and will add color to your tank as well.
The life of the rope fish is very long, there are 15-20 years.
So they need a dedicated host to take care of them.
Rope fish are usually resilient to most aquatic pests and diseases.
However, poor water quality, poor food or introduction of sick fish can lead to the following health problems.
Raising rope fish is a very difficult task in captivity, and most rope fish are caught from the wild.
So by following the tips above about having a large, safe water tank, a good filtration system, living plants and delicious food, you can make sure your cunning pet has a long life and happiness
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