the palm restaurant dishes chocolate almond joy to the world confection - recipes
by:Two Eight
These rich chocolate gems, based on classic candy favorites, will also excite you with coconuts and almonds.Family and friends will be ecstatic and this is the perfect choice for any holiday celebration table.With the festive wine look, the net carbs of less than 5 grams per piece, you will not only be happy to serve them, but also participate in the consumption.I made a big taste with non-sweet black cocoa powder and smoked almonds, but you can use whatever you like according to your own taste.I hope you like it.1/4 tsp.Chop the unsweetened baker's chocolate into a medium sized bowl.Heat the cream in a small sauce pan.When the cocoa powder starts to bubble, add it.Pour the chopped chocolate and Splenda on it.Stir and melt the chopped chocolate and mix all the ingredients evenly.Stir with vanilla extract.Fold with 1/2 cups of coconut silk and crushed almonds.Cover and refrigerate overnight to solidify.The next day, stick out 36 balls with the table in your palm.Place them on a paper tray lined with wax paper so they don't stick together.When they all roll out, start rolling one side in the remaining coconuts and place a full almond in the center, gently press down to make the candy a little flat.Repeat the process for all.Refrigerate for about 1 to 2 hours and cool completely.Nutritional facts ~ 36 copies ~ Each weight ~ Heat 96.9 Total Fat 8.8g saturated fat 5.2g unsaturated fat 0.6g single Saturated fat 2.13 grams of cholesterol.6 mg Sodium 20.5 mg potassium 82.6 mg total carbohydrate 6.2g dietary fiber 1.3 g Sugars 0.2 g Protein 1.
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