the history of ceviche | ehow - around the world in 80 dishes restaurant birmingham
by:Two Eight
Eviche is a delicious seafood dish.
Originally created in the South American country of Peru, Ceviche is a culinary secret that has only recently attracted international attention.
Pickled fish with sour orange juice is basically a combination of fresh fish and seafood and green lime juice.
Sour "boiled" fish in lime.
A variety of vegetables and spices were added.
In addition to fish and lime, there are coriander, celery, peppers, onions, corn and sweet potatoes.
Some people are sensitive to eating raw fish, but they are likely to miss one of the most delicious dishes in South America.
Ancient civilizations in Peru and Ecuador can get fresh seafood along the South Pacific Coast.
The Humboldt ocean stream provides a wide variety of fish, squid and shellfish for the region.
The smaller tribes along the coast, as well as those who eventually integrated into the mighty Inca Empire, got raw seafood and created a basic version of the pickled fish with sour orange juice.
They season the raw fish with pepper, salt and herbs.
Complete the dish with fruit marinades such as chicha and tumbo.
Spanish explorers arrived in Peru at the end of the 15 th century.
The Conqueror eventually conquered the area, destroyed the Inca Empire, and imported many cooking ingredients and practices from Europe.
One of the earliest plants that the Spanish brought to America was the orange tree of Seville.
They also planted lemon Seeds on newly conquered territories.
With the fusion of Spanish and indigenous cultures in Peru and Ecuador, local residents began to try new ingredients.
The chef pairs the juice of citrus fruits such as lemon, lime and orange with fresh seafood from the coast.
At that time, the sour orange pickled fish we know today was first invented.
It was found that the acid in the citrus juice increased the taste and cooked the raw meat, making the food easier to digest.
In the past few centuries, pickled fish with sour orange juice have evolved.
Many countries in Latin America have begun to replicate the idea and have created their own variants.
Most versions contain standard seafood and green juice, as well as chopped peppers, red onion Ding and chopped coriander.
In Peru, pickled fish with sour orange juice are often eaten with cold sweet potatoes or silk.
The corn cob is a common side dish.
Things in Ecuador are a little different, adding popcorn or nuts.
Mexico has also invented its own pickled fish with sour orange juice, which is eaten on grilled tortillas.
Ceviche was once a dish discovered by brave travelers in South America who were willing to try something new.
This delicious recipe has become more and more popular recently and is now available all over the world.
These restaurants specialize in a wide variety of pickled fish dishes with sour orange juice.
While many people still don't know ceviche in the United States and Europe, this unique culinary invention is gradually naming itself, a plate.
Depending on the restaurant that is cooked, the quality of the sauerkraut will vary greatly.
So, if it's less than a star when you first try, don't log it off.
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