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the dish restaurant coupon McDonald's Hamburger Recipe

by:Two Eight     2019-08-19
the dish restaurant coupon McDonald\'s Hamburger Recipe
There are thousands of different recipes for hamburgers, and everyone has what they like.
Your favorite burger recipes may be served at a five-person restaurant or at Bobby Fry's new burger shop, or on your own backyard grill, but no doubt, mcDonald's burgers are a favorite for many, especially considering that McDonald's serves more than 4,500 burgers per minute!
In this article you will find a homemade burger recipe that tastes very close to McDonald's burgers.
The secrets to achieve great results are listed at the bottom, so be sure to follow them!
One of the secrets of McDonald's food is the special mixture they use to enhance the seasoning of the burger.
Mix and place fully in the rocking bed.
Cut the beef into 8 pieces.
Take a beef mixture ball, bigger than a golf ball, and flatten.
Each hamburger pie is about 2 ounces, about 4 inch wide and about 1/8 thick.
Place the meatloaf on a baking sheet coated with wax paper or parchment paper.
Freeze the baking tray for at least 1/2 hours.
Prepare a special seasoning mixture.
Put onions in small bowls or coffee cups.
Cover the onion with boiling water, about 1/4 cups. Allow to soak.
Drain completely after about 30 minutes.
Brown bread in a hot dry frying pan.
Remove the bread and cook the burger patties in the pan.
About 2 burgers per burger-
For 4 minutes each side, sprinkle each side with a seasoning mixture and press it on the pie with a spatula.
Add ketchup and mustard to the bottom of the bread, add onions and pickles.
If you want a cheeseburger, add a slice of cheese and put the pie on it.
Add bread to the burger.
Place the burger in a microwave oven loosely packed with paper towels and steam it for about 10 seconds.
Service and enjoyment!
Let's not delude ourselves, burgers don't have much nutritional benefits unless we are eating veggie burgers or soy burgers, but everything is taken into account, it's not that bad to eat McDonald's burgers occasionally.
They're small, so that's a good thing, they have 250 calories, not that bad, and 12 grams of protein.
On the weight watch, McDonald's burger scored 5 points.
Keep your McDonald's lunch eating
The friendly approach is to add Newman's own low-fat Balsamic Vinaigrette salad, apple slices and a bottle of water.
Use a smooth, thin sliced, dill burger pickles.
I was most fortunate to be in the restaurant supply area at stores such as BJ or Sam club and I put these in very large jars.
Vlasic burger pickles are OK, but they are thick and crispy slices that are not as thin and smooth as McDonald's pickles.
Use the dehydrated chopped onion you bought on the spice aisle in the supermarket.
Fresh onions are different!
Use the "special seasoning" mixture on the burger, just the normal salt is not the same. Cheers to your bread!
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