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the dish restaurant address how to eat ethiopian food | ehow

by:Two Eight     2019-07-31
For most Americans, the dishes of the eshibia meal seem strange, but they are actually very simple.Whether you're a guest at someone else's house, at your first esse restaurant, or traveling in the Horn of Africa, getting to know the main dishes of the country will help you learn how to eat esse cuisine.

.The side of the bread is smooth and flat, and the other side is porous.
laid flat-Put it next to the sponge and other plates.

This is pretty much the standard way to eat any kind of esse cuisine.

This dish includes chopped onions and butter with spices.-

.The main ingredients, such as chicken or beef, finished the dish.

Made of red lentils.


It is also very popular.



Almost always form the final stage in a meal.
carefully;Its sweetness masks its power.
Although it seems informal to eat with your hands, the etiquette rules of the Esse culture are quite strict.



Should not be rejected.
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