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Tasmanian seahorses the latest delicacy - most popular chinese restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-08-23
Tasmanian seahorses the latest delicacy  -  most popular chinese restaurant dishes
The seahorse in your soup may sound strange, but this is exactly what one of Sydney's most popular seafood restaurants offers to the Seahorse World in Tasmania.
Craig Hawkins, managing director of Seahorse World, said he is pleased that Fisherman's Wharf restaurant is looking for his business and he hopes Chinese cuisine will be popular elsewhere.
"Westerners have a high value for cute, and putting a lovely seahorse in your soup is not liked by some people," Mr Hawkins said . ".
"It's just a cultural difference. we eat other fish. logically speaking, the seahorse is a fish," Hawkins said . ".
Mr. Hawkins said that in the proportion of the population, it was considered cute to be an effective standard for protecting animals, but he wondered if the same people had similar views on other farmed animals.
Anyway, Hawkins believes demand will increase as the number of Chinese tourists in Australia continues to increase.
He said that the Chinese market will respond to the original environment of our food supply, which is good for small area communities like this.
"It helps to ensure the employment of our employees here.
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