Lamb may have disappeared from most of the tables in the Australian city for years, but thanks to Sarah Tarley, Lamb may be back.Nursexa0On Sunday night, when she first appeared in the ratings, a surname synonymous with quelpi would have every family in the southwestern town and elsewhere glued to the TV --My Kitchen Rules is the first choice for reality TV cooking.At Sarah's Brisbane home, it will be a similar scene where her proud mom is sure that her talent at the impromptu party will be fully demonstrated."She is only one of those natural chefs;She doesn't need a recipe, "Ann-Tarley said."Sarah went into the kitchen and the amazing dishes just showed up.Nurses who specialize in Aboriginal health work with construction lawyer Dela wilti and call themselves "foodie friends" to reward the best amateur chef in the country and the $250,000 prize, compete with contestants from all over Australia for cooking skills.The two were one of six people who participated in the second round of the MKR instant restaurant, and the team was in the second round.xa0Turn to transform their home for the night of the pressure cookerxa0Three-The course menu is designed to impress judges and their contestants to avoid elimination.Sarah got to know a lot of friends from her days at quelpi San fenbal and then at stuermei College in Brisbane, and she said they all felt she was going to show up on TV funny"They want me to say something crazy.xa0We have a few bubbles on the table, "she laughed."I also heard that quip is going to fall.On the show, Sarah is called "Talley" to distinguish herself from another player of the same name, but her country personality shines brightly, in particular, she chose 12 hours of lamb and lemon potatoes and a nice salad."I eat cheaper meat with my big family, so I like to make them very delicious," she said ."."I think people on the show are shocked at the thought that I eat mutton, and some people don't know the difference between mutton and mutton."I think Pete (Evans, judges of the series) has had it once.Unlike them, Sarah lives at home to meet mom and dad's visit, she has an esky full of ribs and shoulders, and she is happy to announce that her fridge is once again filled with a selection of DVDsOn the show, she plays a supporting role-cleaning, chopping, grinding, preparing and hitting hands-and Dela is the driving force."Some people say that we are extroverted and love the life of the party, and while we are all happy, we do take our work very seriously," Sarah revealed .".Like most relationships, they love heated discussions, but Sarah says she has learned a lot about cooking from her collaboration with Dela."I also learned a lot about human nature," she added ."."It took nearly half a year for the film.It was very tiring that we had a long day, but your fun offset that."You will meet someone you have never seen before.Opening a restaurant in Sarah's restaurant is not-She made a list due to her participation in the show, but she loves hosting events and talking to people, so she looks forward to doing it with some new storiesxa0Tell in the future."I am still a nurse and I like this but I also like to have fun.MKR contains this and cooking, it's good to do something in my comfort zone.The first inland Queensland who appeared on the show was Jac and Shaz from Mount Isa who ended the race as a runnerOn 2015, a billboard was erected on the welcome sign of the city airport.Stewart McKenzie, mayor of quelpi, said the idea of billboards in his town had not yet been raised."There is no doubt that Sarah will add legends to the Tully family, which is our original Irish family who came here with Costellos and Duracks," he said ."."We are ready to celebrate our centennial in April so that we can add Sarah's culinary feats to our achievement list.
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