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shinepukur bone china tea set How to Make a Great Cup of Tea

by:Two Eight     2019-08-17
shinepukur bone china tea set How to Make a Great Cup of Tea
Here's how to make a great English tea
How can I qualify you for advice?
Well I live in London and I used to work in a cafe in downtown Camden where they taught me to make the best tea in town!
We all know that there are more British people than a good cup of tea.
This is a 17th-century tradition in which China exports tea to British India and Britain controls tea production in the subcontinent.
"We discussed together the interests of the kingdom's peace with Spain and the war with France and the Netherlands. . .
After that, I did send a Tee (Chinese drink) that I had never had before and then left.
Samuel Pepys, diary, 25 Sep t
Tea is served throughout the UK, hospitals, school staff rooms, prisons and various meetings!
It is a social custom that helps to break the deadlock, calm the nerves, warm the soul and lift the spirit.
But should you pour the milk first?
Does your little finger make any difference in the taste of tea?
Is it necessary for bone porcelain cups?
Should the water boil before you pour the water into the teapot?
What is the best teapot?
Find answers to these more fascinating questions about the art of making a perfect cup of tea from experts at Fortnum & Mason-
Scroll down to find their video.
Please leave a comment before you leave.
Ta ta from London!
The British drink tea every day and while coffee is also very popular right now, if you visit your neighbors next door or if someone invites you home in the afternoon, you will most likely get a cup of tea.
In the summer, people sit in the garden and drink a cup of tea to refresh themselves. in the winter, the same cup of tea will warm them up.
Although I am Italian, I was born in London and lived here all my life, so I fully accepted the wonderful tradition of having afternoon tea.
We drink tea every day.
We usually brew with big cups and use tea bags bought in local supermarkets, but in special cases we will come up with the best Chinese tea service and brew with all the ceremony in the proper way, follow the tradition completely with great care. Step 1 -
The water should be freshly drawn from the cold faucet.
Do not use any water that may still be in the kettle. Tip that away.
I usually use it to water my plants.
The water should be at the boiling point, don't boil again --
It's hard to judge, so don't worry if so! Step 2 -
This is a very important part of the process, because otherwise tea will get cold before there is a chance to brew.
When the water in the kettle is to boil, pour some into your teapot.
Heat the pot and throw it away.
The teapot will be warm now and can be used for making tea.
A special kettle/teapot for a perfect cup of tea each time!
This is what I think I need!
There are many kinds of tea, each with its unique way of brewing, so you can get the exact taste from the tea leaves.
When I was browsing on Amazon, I found the amazing kettle and was surprised to see 212 people rating it 5 stars!
Please take a minute to watch the video below, which explains the product in more detail. Step 3 -
Use one teaspoon per person and an extra teaspoon if you like. Step 4 -
Pour the boiled water carefully into the teapot.
Fill it up. Step 5 -
Another very important stage is waiting for the brewing of tea.
Let it stand for 3 minutes.
If you like it then you should put it for 5 full minutes.
Black tea: these are the teas you use with milk or lemon.
The most famous of them are Assam, Darjeeling, Ceylon, earl gray and Chai.
Fruits and spices are available, such as oranges, vanilla, mint, apricots, mangoes and apples.
Or you can buy them with flowers like roses and lavender.
These should not be eaten with milk.
Green tea: These teas are made differently from black tea, they are just picked and dried so no oxidation occurs.
These are very good for you because they are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Delicious and healthy.
Green tea comes from Japan and China and can be seasoned with Jasmine.
Some are so beautiful that they bind Jasmine with tea by hand.
They look great in the Cup.
Milk is not allowed for green tea.
White tea: This tea is very rare because it can only be picked for a few weeks a year.
They are an antioxidant and an antidote that has good health benefits.
They have names like "White Pearls" and "White Peony", made in China, and the way they grow white pearls is a secret.
Oolong tea: from China and Taiwan.
It is fermented tea, which is good for digestion.
Recent studies have shown that they help the body break down fat, so they become very popular.
One is called "the Goddess of Mercy", the best quality is called "formosa Mosha", and the Portuguese calls it "formosa Mosha ".
Milk should not be added to this tea.
Nothing is better than a beautiful teapot.
I really hate when I take a break.
I am sad because they are so beautiful.
Unfortunately, the lid does break, so when this happens, I use a flowerpot as a flowerpot and a flower with a short stem.
Don't throw it away the poor thing!
This is a lovely classic shape, this is the way to the UK!
I think it's beautiful.
It will make a lovely gift with a pack of fresh tea.
But if you are looking for something less traditional in the design, click on the picture and you will be taken to Amazon.
There are plenty of places to choose from. Step 6 -
The Chinese Cup is by far the best
No one knows why, but it does change the taste of tea.
Prepare the table when tea is brewing: refill the teapot, milk with your cup and tea tray, tea filter, a small pot of boiled water (or you may prefer a slice of lemon) sugar and something sweet.
In this case, I chose the chocolate Easter egg.
If you don't eat sugar, a piece of cake or a cookie will make the tea taste delicious.
We said the tea was "too wet" without cookies "! Step 7 -
Half the time you brew, you give your teapot a quick stir.
This will make the tea stronger.
Tea pot with elephant pattern is very popular in the UK, this tea pot is very popular. I love it too.
There are 40 tea bags here. the quality is very high.
It is tightly sealed so it can keep your tea fresh for a longer period of time.
These are provided at Fortnum and Mason.
They are a tradition of Devon and have spread throughout the UK. and beyond!
Very delicious-
Try them and leave a comment at the bottom of this center to let me know what you think. Step 8 -Milk Next?
A few years ago, when the teacup was not all made in quality China, milk had to be placed first, otherwise the delicate teacup might break.
This has not happened these days, so it is entirely OK to put the milk in after pouring the tea.
This way you can adjust the intensity of what you want it to be.
However, you will see in the video that this is a controversial issue!
Step 9 (last step )-
You should add the water from your kettle to the teapot now so it will ferment and you can get it readyup.
Keep the pot warm with a cup of comfortable tea. I don't have one hand, but I have found some very good links on the Amazon site below.
All you have to do now is sit down and enjoy a perfect cup of refreshing tea!
On one occasion, I went to visit a new colleague who greeted me with these words at her front door, "hello, glad you could come and have a cup of ordinary tea or a strong one?
Because I felt like a tea connoisseur, I was a little overwhelmed by this, so I had to ask her what was the difference.
She explained that in her home, there was a kettle on the stove, which slowly fermented throughout the day, filled with tea.
They let it stew slowly so that it becomes very strong.
I was surprised because I had never encountered this way of making tea before.
We will call this tea "stewed tea ".
So I tried it and it was really delicious!
The taste is very strong and the fragrance is very attractive.
It was a complete pick-up to me and I remember I thought I was very addictive!
When I told my husband about it, he was also surprised because when he was a child, his mom took the kettle all day and they were drinking tea all day.
I like that cup of tea very much. I have never forgotten it.
Has anyone heard of this method of making tea?
Please leave a comment if you have.
This is useful if you want to make tea for one person.
Eat much better than tea bags.
The reason why I chose this model is because it got a good review, but if you click on it you will be taken to Amazon.
There are other options.
Make tea in a cup.
Easy to use and clean.
It is suitable for all kinds of cups and even filters out the best tea.
255 out of 292 gave the rating of 4 to 5 stars.
And afternoon tea with Flint and Mason.
You get some privileges as a Londoner, Fortnum and Mason are one of them.
It's a special thing to have afternoon tea here.
It really makes you feel a little special!
Beautiful pottery made in Britain
These beautiful cups and saucers are made in the UK.
They will make such a special gift.
They look delicate, but in fact they are strong enough for everyday use.
They are in a very nice presentation hatbox.
Amazon has 21 out of 23 5 star ratings.
You will be taken to Amazon if you click on the picture.
There are other places with very beautiful designs.
Are you drinking tea? Which are you?
Cute bone Chinese mug
Made in Britain-
Something that makes your tea taste better.
I bought a delightful cup for each of my colleagues as a Christmas present.
They were very happy with them and they definitely cheered for our staff meeting.
I think this is a very beautiful cup and I like bright colors and modern designs.
This is handmade in Britain.
It is 3 \ "inches high and holds 8 Fl.
Although they are bone porcelain and look very delicate, they can be used in the microwave and dishwasher.
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