Saltwater Fish Identification - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
by:Two Eight
The sea fish is another name of the sea fish found in the sea and in the sea.
Due to the large number of varieties and types, it is not feasible to describe them all;
However, some of the more common problems are briefly listed in this article.
Fish is a very important member of nature.
There are about 28,000 known species that play a very important role.
They can survive in all the bodies of water because they are able to adapt to most natural environments.
According to the water bodies found, they can be roughly divided into two types.
Freshwater fish were found in inland water bodies such as lakes and rivers, where salinity is low.
Salted fish are found in the sea and seas, where the water is salty and salty.
They live in a warm and stable environment and are not easy to adapt to changes in temperature and water salinity.
This group of fish consists of different species, and their choice of habitat is varied.
They are also considered to be more beautiful of the two.
By understanding some of the features of common salted fish, salted fish can be identified.
): Blue fish is green-
Silver Blue back
White under the belly.
It has a big mouth with compressed teeth and a prominent chin, as well as a long and pointed nose.
It is about 3 feet long.
Blue fish are formed in groups, and they are eaten in nature.
The fish is usually found on the Atlantic coast, from southern Canada to the southern American continent.
): Blue Marlins from The Billfish family contain cobalt-
The back of the abdomen is silver blue.
It has a slender upper jaw, like a spear, with a high dorsal fin at the tip of the chest fin and an anal fin.
It is dominated by bait fish, but prefers tuna, mackerel fish and squid.
This fish is native to the temperate and tropical regions of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
): Bon fish is silver, slender in body, green and blue in back.
It also has a long tapered nose that is aimed down and the lower jaw is protruding.
It has dark stripes between the scales of its upper body and the faint cross
The band extending to the side line.
The ends of the dorsal and tail fins have black shadows.
Bon fish prefers shrimp, shellfish, crabs and other small fish.
The fish are found in southern Florida, the Bahamas, Bermuda and the eastern coast of the Pacific.
): The back of the Juncao fish (ling) is brown and extends down to the white lower abdomen with two brown horizontal bands on the side.
It has a slender spindle.
The shape of the body and a wide and flat head with a prominent lower jaw.
It also has dark lateral stripes that extend from the eye to the tail.
Fish are usually served with crabs, squid and small fish.
The fish is found north of the Gulf of Mexico and migrate to Maryland in winter.
): Common dolphins have a green body
The blue color on the yellow side can flash colors such as purple and chartreuse.
It also has irregular spots on the side.
It has a fair and slender body that tapers to its tail.
The head of the male dolphin has a vertical front profile, and the head of the female dolphin has a tilt.
Common dolphins usually feed on flying fish and squid.
It is found in tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.
The Atlantic shark has an olive-shaped brown shark. Gray or blue
The gray body is white under the belly.
It has a long lip groove around the corners of the mouth and a long nose.
Its teeth are smooth and sharp
There are edges on both chin.
Adults usually have white spots and smaller ones have black dorsal and tail finsedged.
The fish is served with shrimp, soft animals and small fish.
It is usually found in the coastal waters of South Carolina, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico.
): The Atlantic yellow fish is a member of the drum family with silver
Gray and light
Pink body with brown vertical stripes on the side.
Old Fish has rust-
A colored body with spots of brown stripes formed on their scales.
They can be identified by 3 to 5 pairs of small tentacles on the chin.
The fish is usually served with shrimp, crabs and dead plants and animals.
It is usually found on the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to the Gulf of Mexico.
): The Bay flounder fish has a brown body, depending on the color at the bottom.
It has many spots and spots with three prominent eyes
Like spots forming triangles.
The body and fins are covered with white spots.
It has very strong teeth, sharp teeth. like.
It lives on small fish and shellfish, from North Carolina through the Gulf of Mexico to Texas in the South.
): Red and brown stone spots with scarlet red.
Orange oral lining with tissue spots on the side.
The difference between this type is its large dorsal fin, which is marked with a black and white edge in the middlefin.
The fish also has a second thorn in the dorsal fin.
It serves squid, shellfish and small fish, and is found in waters from North Carolina to Brazil through the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
): The white purring is light blue
Gray with horizontal blue stripes on the head, brightorange-colored mouth.
The lower abdomen of the fish is white with a copper-colored sharp scale pattern.
It serves worms, shrimps, crabs, soft animals and small fish.
From the Chesapeake Bay to the Gulf of Mexico to the western Atlantic waters in southern Brazil, this creature is present.
): Shad of the United States, which belongs to the herring family, has green or green
The back of the blue, the silver side and the white lower abdomen.
When it enters fresh water to spawn, its color goes dark.
It also has an abdomen with a scute that continuously forms a unique Keel of one or more black spots.
The lower jaw has a tip suitable for v-
The shape of the upper jaw.
It usually lives on plankton and is found in coastal waters in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and central Florida.
There are also many interesting families of salted fish, such as Jack, mul fish, mackerel fish, Porsche, apper fish, snooze fish, ade fish, tar fish and Sailfish.
As seawater accounts for 75% of the world's total area and there are still many untapped areas, the chances of finding more of these species are very high.
A broader study will reveal more interesting facts and details of these amazing salted fish.
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