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safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 Film provokes industry reply on truth about kangaroo harvesting

by:Two Eight     2019-08-14
safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 Film provokes industry reply on truth about kangaroo harvesting

The release of the controversial film Kangarooxa0Love-The "Hate Story" has caused a response from the Australian Kangaroo Industry Association, which claims this is true and partly truexa0It's fake in a movie.The title is "wildlife massacre ".The production of the film is linked to the kangaroo protection organization.xa0Contact the University of Science and Technology of Sydney, THINKK.The mission of THINKK is "to support the scientific evidence of kangaroo management practices through critical review and to explore non-Fatal management options that meet ecology, animal welfare, human health and ethics.Think K has links with animal activistsxa0A silent group funded by donors from the Sherman family.The film interviewed people in the kangaroo product industry, but no one got it first.Dendy, in Newtown, Sydney, was invited to the opening ceremony.Green Party Senator Lee ruannon flew to Brussels last week to show the film to EU members to stop kangaroo meat exports to the EU.Senator Rhiannon claimed that it was unnecessary to shoot kangaroos and that the local population was being threatened.The kangaroo meat industry is worth about $200 a year, and Asia is currently looking for new markets.It is estimated that there are nearly 50 million kangaroos in Australia.There is a meat processing plant in Queensland that employs local indigenous youth.Meat prices plungedxa0For the shooter, about 70 degrees Celsius per kilogram puts a lot of people in the bagels.This broad response to the claims in the film, some of which are true, partly true and false.The following information isxa0Main sources.: Habitat loss, urban development, agricultural practice and sustainabilityxa0Industry-Mass slaughter kills kangaroos in a vast area with a long historyxa0These records describe the breadth and richness they used to be.: Although the number of kangaroo and kangaroo species has declinedxa0Impact on human habitat, other species inxa0Population size.Only four large numbers of kangaroos are allowed.xa0Harvest-East gray kangaroo, East gray kangaroo, common kangarooxa0Red kangaroo.Due to factors such as drought, kangaroo populations fluctuate independently of harvest.According to the population survey, the country's harvest level means fewer kangaroos.xa0Harvest when the population is reduced.After more than 40 years of business gains,xa0The harvested kangaroo is still one of the most abundant large wildlife species on Earth.The population of the four harvested species is estimated to fluctuate between 17 million and 57xa0Between 2009 and 1980.Population of commercial harvest area in 2016xa0Estimated at 47.2 million.Figures for 2017 will be released after March 2018.: Kangaroo growth and reproduction are slow, and the mortality rate is high among adolescents.Forxa0For example, a gray kangaroo female deer can produce up to eight independent movements on her body.xa0There are only two people who may survive independently.: Female kangaroos breed slowly under drought conditions and continue to breedxa0Good conditions.They can produce up to three young people in different places at the same time.xa0Stage of development.Most kangaroos mate within days of delivery to ensurexa0The new birth may happen soon after the first young man leaves the pouch and makes good use ofxa0Conditions.The difference between gray kangaroos is that they tend to breed seasonally, so,xa0Young production.The mortality rate of young Kangaroos during the drought period is high, which may lead to a lackxa0Nutrition, disease, and prey.: Under the best conditions, the average growth rate of the largest wild population is 10%,xa0During the drought, the annual decline was as high as 60%.It's in biology.xa0The number of kangaroos cannot increase rapidly.: The average number of kangaroos increased by 10% per yearxa0Is considered to be rapid growth.The number of harvested species increased by 10% in 2016xa0It is equivalent to an additional increase of about 470,000 kangaroos.Existing populations of some speciesxa0It has been considered unsustainable in some areas.: Shooting quota 15-More than 20% or more of the actual population estimatesxa0Kangaroo population growth rate: Commercial kangaroo harvest is carried out according to the provisions of the allowed quotaxa0An estimated population of 10-20% per year.Number of kangaroosxa0The number of actually harvested is already much smaller (about 65% of the allowed quota)xa02001.The National Wildlife Management agency sets harvest quotas based on the current situationxa0Population estimates and current and projected simulated impacts of climate on populationxa0Number protecting population from excessive growthharvesting.: Analysis shows serious defects in kangaroo investigation methodsxa0Population estimates for systematically expanding commercial shooting quotasxa0Then it's over.allocated.: Population estimates are based on air and ground surveys within the regionxa0Australia, where business gains occur.The actual national population will bexa0Since these figures do not include estimates for unsurveyed areas, they are much higher.Quota may be modified within the year according to seasonal conditionsxa0Additional surveys and monitoring of harvest throughout the year.There may be restrictions.xa0Place on harvest, such as closing certain areas or limiting weight and sizexa0About animals entering the industry.: Consider the impact of commercial filming on kangaroo populationsxa0Has never included millions of land owners and illegal kangaroos.xa0Shooting.Other major death factors were also overlooked.: Since the end of 1970, the harvest quota has been based on population estimatesxa0Mainly obtained from aerial measurements and some factors are taken into accountxa0Due to the overall population trends, climate conditions and trends of various harvest statistics,xa0Including the weight of the slaughter, sex ratio, skin weight and the size of the overall internal organs.In the report entitled "kangaroo management review March 1990,xa0The Fish and Wildlife administration of the United States found that "all states have appropriate legislation,xa0Australian territory for the protection of red kangaroos, East gray kangaroos andxa0Gray kangaroo in the West....There seems to be no mass illegal killing.xa0Kangaroo kills in commercial exports in any Australian statexa0Kangaroo quota.: Government survey data and statistics on commercial shootingxa0The number and landscape of kangaroos are now significantly reduced.: The population of the four harvested species is estimated to fluctuate between 17 millionxa057 million between 1980 and 2009.2016, a bumper commercial populationxa047 regions are estimated.2 million.Figures for 2017 will be released after March 2018.: When non-lethal, shooting takes place in the dark away from any reviewxa0Shooting is inevitable and often causes terrible damage.Evidence shows that 4-40%xa0Commercial animals are not filmed directly in the brain, but in the neck or body.This is 65,284-652,839 animalsshot in 2015.Further unknownxa0Number of management information systemsThe shot kangaroo was left dead in the field in a commercial and non-commercial manner.xa0Shooter.: Harvest takes place at dusk and at night as this is the most time for Kangaroosxa0Active.The shooter is a skilled and licensed professional with high accuracy.About 97%.xa0Among all the kangaroos targeted by professional harvesters,xa0According to a 2014 study, regulatory requirements were met.Of the 1 million kangaroos examined by the federal government in 2014, onlyxa0It is reported that 25 people were not shot in the head.: The national code of practice requires the shooter to shoot-Feet and feetxa0Beheading or "crush the skull and destroy the baby's brain ".: To address concerns about the benefits of joeys, KIAA introduced a maleOnlyxa02013 policyAlthough observers may think that blunt head injuries are cruel and violent.xa0From the animal's point of view, the duration and degree of pain is unpleasantxa0Much less than other methods.The duration of pain before use of blunt trauma isxa0It may also be less than other methods (such as overdoses of barbiturate ).At present, a project led by Futures is reviewing the code of practicexa0Australia.The review was notified by the reference group of the following representativexa0Australian Veterinary Association, RSPCA, industry and related governmentxa0Institutions.: Research confirms that most rely on-The foot joeys was left at the scene,xa0Exposed, hungry or prey, the head of the bag bird is usuallyxa0Swing to the vehicle.: To address concerns about the benefits of joeys, KIAA introduced a maleOnlyxa02013 policyOf the 24 young peopleat-Feet observed in the agricultural futures Company 2014 studyxa0Only one person in Australia was shot dead in the head in 2014.The reasonxa0The harvester is not there-Young children often feed far away from their mother and are hard to see.When their mother is shot and hard to catch, they tend to run away.If there are some young people nearby, it's hard to know which one belongs to them.xa0To the mother.Some harvesters do not like to use blunt injuries on larger floors, but considerxa0Shooting at close range is too dangerous.Some Joey people are considered big enough to survive on their own.A powerful blow to the head, which includes a large bagxa0Rocks, heavy objects, or vehicles.This is in line with the provisions of the code of practice.: There is no record of Joeys being killed or left dead.Approximately 8 million dependentsxa0Joeys is estimated to have died in a commercial shooting during 2000-2009.More than 110,000 joeys were reportedly killed in commercial shootings in 2015 alone.xa0Numbers.: The number of people killed by Joeys is not recorded, therefore, the above estimatesxa0It cannot be based on facts.However, due to the Australian Kangaroo Industry Associationxa0Introduced its maleOnly under the policy of 2013, less than 5% of the Kangaroos it harvestedxa0Female.This has greatly reduced the number of people killed by Joey.: 75% of new human pathogens are from wild animals.Kangaroo is a wild animal.xa0Jungle meat for sale in supermarkets and restaurants.It does not test many human injuries.xa0It carries pathogens.: Kangaroo carcases all undergo independent post-mortem examinationxa0Agriculture and Water Ministry officials say food safety meat assessorsxa0Or the third one.Party meat inspectors under the supervision of department vetsxa0Through suitable for human consumption.All registered export agencies must participate in the national Carcasexa0Microbial monitoring programs, including those certified by NATAxa0Laboratory under Export Control (wild and wild meat products)xa0Order 2010th and order 2014th for correction.In addition to microbial sampling,xa0Conduct meat hygiene assessment and process monitoring.Cooking meat can also destroy bacteria such as salmonella, Camplyobacter and E. coli.coli.22 isxa0It is recommended that kangaroo meat like most meat be cooked before eating.: Wild kangaroos were shot in the wild without supervision.They transport on non-refrigerated open trucks exposed to dust and fliesxa0The ambient temperature is often very high.In order to ensure the health of wild and wild,xa0Operators need to maintain proper hygiene.Clean and disinfect if necessary to prevent wildlife contaminationxa0Wild meat and wild meat products;Keep clean before starting the operation every day and clean at the end of the operationxa0Daily operation;If there is more than one shift in the day, dry cleaning at the end of each shiftxa0Maintain good repair condition.Australian Kangaroo Industry Association complies with all health and safety regulationsxa0Regulations.The food administration regularly checks vehicles for game meat harvestersxa0Meet the requirements.: Contaminated kangaroo meat is found repeatedlyxa0Many years.2014 Russia banned the import of kangaroo meat for the third time becausexa0Disease-causing pollution.Acetic acid is usually used to clean meat.xa0Systematic pollution: On a global scale, there have never been recorded cases of illness due to emailE. coli orxa0Consumption of salmonella from kangaroo meat.Russia banned imports in 2014xa0Meat, fish and dairy products in the European Union, the United States, Australia, Canada and Norwayxa0International sanctions.The ban affected kangaroo exports.24 food standardsxa0Processing aids such as acetic acid are allowed in New Zealand, Australiaxa0Widely used in Australia.No processing aids are used in the EU market.
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