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safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 Causes and Effects of Desertification

by:Two Eight     2019-08-20
safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 Causes and Effects of Desertification
In several of the causes of environmental degradation, land degradation is rising and has had some adverse effects on the environment.
HelpSaveNature provides an insight into the causes and impact on the environment and ultimately on human life.
About 12 million hectares of fertile land around the world are lost due to land degradation, and the number is still increasing year by year.
Simply put, the development of the desert means
Just like an area that originally had fertile land but became barren due to human interference.
Activities such as deforestation, overgrazing and poor soil protection.
It is a serious cause of land degradation.
While deserts are a natural phenomenon that responds to natural climatic conditions, it is only through human activity that such conditions are exacerbated, resulting in a natural imbalance.
Dry, semi-arid land areas
Dry and dry Asia
Wet areas are more vulnerable to land degradation, and if these areas are encouraged to address this problem, land degradation will be reduced to a large extent.
This is the most popular desert cause and influence around the world.
In dry areas, grass is essential to fix the surface soil.
When the grass was developed by livestock, the soil lost support and blew away with the wind.
Continuous excess
The development of vegetation by grazing animals has led to increased land degradation.
Also, grazing was not an environmental issue a few years ago, as people used to move from one place to another based on rainfall, preventing overgrazing.
Nowadays, people have settled in specific areas where there is sufficient food supply and sufficient living necessities.
As a result, they limit their livestock to one place as a source of food, resulting in excessive grazing.
As mentioned earlier, plants fix the soil at the top to prevent soil erosion.
However, due to urbanization and the increase in agriculture, forests are heavily cut down for infrastructure and fuel purposes, resulting in erosion of the soil by wind and water.
At the same time, the nutrients in the soil are also lost, making it useless.
Farmers in less developed areas use incorrect and outdated irrigation techniques such as canal irrigation due to lack of water.
This leads to the salt of the soil (excessive salt accumulation), resulting in the desert.
The growing population has played a major role in the growing desert.
The increase in population has led to an increase in urbanization.
As a large population runs out of all available resources, it is necessary to scale up in order to meet the growing needs of the growing population.
Due to the removal of vegetation, the climate has changed, affecting the whole environment.
Because there is no vegetation on the land, there is no water evaporation in the soil, forming a cloud, resulting in rainfall.
In addition, less rain or no rain increases drought conditions, and the climate is getting hotter and drier, resulting in more and more deserts.
Deforestation increases the rate of soil erosion, which is achieved by increasing rainfall, runoff and reducing ground debris.
As the degree of soil drought increases and the lack of plant cover and roots that jointly control the soil, land degradation becomes more serious. Due to over-
Under farming and drought conditions, the soil changes and the rain does not penetrate the soil.
Therefore, plants do not obtain the amount of water needed for proper growth.
Barren land in one or two seasons can be solved, but if the land goes through repeated deserts, it may lose its fertility forever.
When the land is deserted, the amount of drought and semi-drought is natural.
Drought areas continue to increase without evaporation, resulting in reduced rainfall.
This further leads to water scarcity and human beings, as well as animal life being threatened due to a shortage of drinking water.
The adverse effects of the desert also include floods, land, water and air pollution, storms and some other natural disasters in heavy rainfall areas, all of which can have fatal effects on human life.
In addition, the soil is not suitable for agricultural production due to the degradation of the land, which may cause huge food losses.
Therefore, both humans and animals may suffer from hunger.
Land degradation is a major environmental problem that cannot be solved by one person alone.
However, on the one hand, we can do our part by participating in conservation group activities, on the other hand, saving water, soil and other valuable natural resources on an individual basis.
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