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safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 26 Biggest Man-Made Disasters

by:Two Eight     2019-08-21
safety regulations for dishes in a hotel or restaurant 2017 26 Biggest Man-Made Disasters
Environmental disasters such as hurricanes, floods and earthquakes are largely beyond human control.
However, some of the most destructive disasters in history are caused by human beings.
This is a list of 26 worst people.
Created a disaster in the world.
The cost of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, estimated at $235 billion, is the most expensive.
A disaster in the history of the world.
Although 31 people were killed immediately, it is estimated that 10 to 20,000 people have died in the long run. Man-
Man-made disasters are caused by human error or intention, or by a failure of the security system.
The extent of damage caused by these disasters varies greatly in the extent to which economic and human life is affected by events.
For example, if there is a disaster in a densely populated developed country, the cost will be very high.
Similar disasters in a developing country will cost less.
In terms of the number of deaths, the lack of resources and assets to respond to disasters has greatly affected developing countries.
Since the classification of people
Depending on the disasters it affects to create are subjective, this list (without a particular order) will include events that have a huge impact on the people and the environment around them.
One of the worst people
Created a disaster in America. S.
Historically, the Exxon Valdez oil spill has played an important role in the government's development of several policies on oil spill prevention and response and cleaningup.
Before the Deepwater Horizon incident, it was the biggest oil spill in the US coastal waters.
The incident took place on March 24, 1989 when an oil tanker called Exxon Valdez hit the Bulig reef, causing about 600,000 barrels of crude oil to leak to Prince William Bay in Alaska. The area's coastline is polluted by about 500 miles.
It is estimated to have killed more than 250,000 seabirds, 2,700 otters, 300 Condor, 300 seals, and many fish like herring and salmon.
More than 11,000 people are needed for cleaningup operation.
However, there are still some patches that have not been cleaned up yet;
Even today, people can find oil on Alaska's beaches.
The United States tested a hydrogen bomb for the first time on a dry-fuel hot core. S.
Named "Bravo Castle ".
It is a Bianca Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1st on March 1954.
It was the most powerful nuclear device used by the United States at the time.
Due to inaccurate estimates of radiation transmission, the test caused a large amount of accidental pollution, affecting about 20,000 people on nearby islands.
It was caused by the partial meltdown of a reactor at a nuclear power plant on San mile island, Crown Prince County, Pennsylvania.
It causes the release of a small amount of radioactive gas and iodine, causes schools to shut down, and forces the evacuation of sensitive groups such as children and pregnant women.
Since then, many livestock deaths, premature deaths and birth defects have been blamed on the incident.
On 1991, Iraqi troops retreated to American troops during the Gulf War, burning 6 million barrels of oil.
They burned more than 600 oil wells in the "scorched soil" operation, most of which burned for nearly seven months, causing serious soil and air pollution. Over USD 1.
Kuwait spent 5 billion euros fighting the fires.
In deweize, Turkmenistan man, a drilling platform made by Soviet geologists fell into a large methane gas reservoir in 1971.
Scientists are worried about the potential harm of releasing such a large amount of methane gas and decided to ignite it.
The fire is going to burn the most in a few days.
Unfortunately, due to the large volume of methane deposits, even today, 40 years later, this gas is burning and is expected to continue burning for a long time to come, it caused a lot of air pollution and waste of available fuel.
January 17, 1966, United StatesS. Air force B-
52 bombers hit a KC-
135 aircraft refuelingThe B-
At that time, there were four B28RI hydrogen bombs.
Of these explosives, two detonated and contaminated the entire village, fuelling political tensions between Spain and the United States. S.
Indonesia's Sidoarjo, the world's largest mud volcano, erupted in May 2006 as oil company PT Lapindo Branta drilled natural gas wells.
Mud is everywhere every day, flooding large areas of the surrounding city.
This activity is expected to last 20-
It is expected that after 30 years this will affect not only the residents of the city, but also the wildlife and water sources in and around the area.
It is a pleasure that the vermiculite mine in Libby, Montana provides jobs for the locals, and a lot of mining has been going on for many years.
However, since the beginning of these activities in 1919, the heavy use of asbestos in mining plants has resulted in several diseases such as dermatitis.
Over the years, asbestos dust from the mining plant has covered the town until the negative effects of this material become well known.
Despite the closure of the mine, there is still a large amount of asbestos in Libby.
Even today, the impact of mining is still plaguing residents.
Can be said to be the biggest person
The Deepwater Horizon/BP oil spill is the largest oil spill in the history of the global oil industry, causing environmental disasters.
The incident was due to the explosion of an oil rig that sank into the sea.
The incident killed 11 people, wasted about 5 million barrels of oil and threatened more than 8,000 marine life.
Clean though.
These ecological losses will last for many years after hard work.
This is the most notorious coastal dump in the United States. S.
For some pollutants such as nitrogenand phosphorus-
Rich in pesticides, fertilizers and animal waste.
Pollutants come from farms near the Mississippi River, and the number is so high that due to a severe lack of oxygen, no aquatic life can survive in the Bay Area near Texas.
Over the years, the area of the death zone has steadily increased, and due to the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, I am afraid the affected area has expanded significantly.
In China, Guiyu is informally called e-commerce.
Waste the capital of the world
More than 52 square kilometers of land are buried by PCs, iPhones and other electronic devices.
These devices leak heavy metals into the air, water and land.
The samples collected in Guiyu show that lead is nearly 400 times more than the samples 25 kilometers away and copper is 100 times more than the samples 25 kilometers away.
Such an alarming amount of pollution has led to many cases of lead poisoning, miscarriage, and premature death of several people, which is why Guiyu is also known as an "electronic Cemetery.
Considered one of the most serious environmental disasters on Earth, most of the salty sea between Kazakh and Uzbek has now disappeared due to the diversion of river sources for irrigation purposes.
Once the fourth largest inland waters due to low construction efficiency are now a dry, salty plain with little marine life killing the thriving fishing industry.
Pesticide and fertilizer runoff from nearby farms pollute the remaining water, leaving toxic dust when the water evaporates.
The incident caused many toxic sandstorms, killed the lives of plants and had a negative impact in the range of hundreds of miles.
Arguably the most serious industrial disaster in the world, in December 1984, India's Bhopal was affected by many toxic gases, such as isocyanate.
At the time of the incident, the pesticide plant owned by United Carbide India Co. , Ltd. leaked due to poor maintenance and insufficient safety measures.
More than 2,000 people died, while others died of burns and other health problems.
This has been felt for decades after the incident.
The incident was one of the two nuclear accidents on the scale of the international nuclear incident listed as level 7.
In April 26, 1986, due to the failure of the experimental test of the cooling system, a major meltdown occurred at the Chernobyl power plant in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine.
This is probably the worst nuclear power plant accident, as it releases 400 times more radioactive material than the explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, affecting far-reaching Ireland.
Both humans and animals suffer from deformity, birth defects and long term
Long-term diseases such as cancer caused by the incident.
It is estimated that more than 100,000 people have died prematurely in this incident.
More than 350,000 people were evacuated and more than 500,000 workers were needed to stop the disaster. Also, a 30-
The kilometer area around the nuclear power plant is expected to maintain dangerous radioactivity in any activity in the near 200.
As the degree of industrialisation has increased, people in London have become accustomed to air pollution.
On 1952, however, the City of London was covered by a thick haze for nearly five days.
The incident happened when residents of the city burned a lot of coal to cope with cold weather.
Due to unusual windless conditions, pollutants in coal, such as soot, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, are shrouded in the city like black blankets.
During this period, thousands of people were killed and nearly 100,000 were ill. in the 1930s.
When farmers in California go deep into the soil, natural grass will die, making the soil vulnerable to erosion. The drought-
An environment like this turned the surface soil into dust and was blown away by a storm.
These events caused huge sandstorms, the sun was blocked, vehicles were blown off the road, and many of the soil fell into the Atlantic Ocean.
More than 2 million people have lost their homes, and large areas of farmland have become useless, increasing the impact of the Great Depression.
The incident coincided with the Kuwait oil fire, when Iraqi troops dumped millions of barrels of oil into the sea, making it difficult for Americans to land on the coast.
This defense strategy has seriously affected nearby wildlife, and some local species have disappeared permanently.
After the war, Iraq found that there was too much oil to clean up, so now the oil has settled in the water bed.
Although nature is slowly returning, there is still a long way to go before things return to normal.
In the early hours of December 22, 2008, a ash bank in the solid waste containment area of the TVA Kingston Fossil Plant broke.
The containment area holds billions of gallons of coal mortar that flows out, causing huge mud fluctuations.
Although there was no loss of life at the time, the huge mud wave destroyed several private and government properties in the city, worth about $0. 675 billion.
However, it is believed that the mortar contains elements such as arsenic, selenium, lead and radioactive substances.
The complete effect of the event is still unclear, but there is a risk of cancer, nervous system problems and other diseases.
This may surface in the years to come.
Another example of a man
It is a whirlpool of plastic debris such as plastic bags and bottles.
Floating in the North Pacific Ocean, hundreds of miles wide.
The patch was formed because all the plastic and other floating garbage dumped into the ocean were collected by the water flow and brought into the area.
It is estimated that there are about 100 million tons of garbage on the land, which will affect marine life such as turtles, fish and marine animals.
In addition, as sunlight breaks down plastics, toxic chemicals enter the water and become part of the food chain, affecting people around the world.
In November 13, 2005, the poor handling of the operating system triggered a series of explosions on building one.
101 petrochemical plant in Jilin city, Jilin province, China.
The explosion killed six workers and injured several others.
The incident forced the evacuation of thousands of residents living in the area.
The explosion has also seriously polluted the Songhua River, including more than 100 tons of benzene and toluene sludge, leaving millions of people without important water sources.
S. troops use farmland and rice fields that feed most of Vietnam's population.
In addition to these farmland, a large part of the wildlife has also been destroyed.
Nearly 5 million Vietnamese people have been exposed to these chemicals, resulting in serious diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's disease, heart and lung disease.
In June 2003, a government
Operating sulfur plant, called Al-
Mishrak is on fire in Mosul, Iraq.
The fire was suspected of deliberately causing it.
Not released in the past month, more than 21,000 tons of sulfur dioxide are released into the air every day, making it the biggest person
The release of sulfur dioxide was recorded.
The incident caused serious respiratory problems for people living in nearby areas, and it was estimated that it caused acid rain, which adversely affected the crops at that time.
In the 1940 s, a company called Hook chemical buried more than 20,000 tons of toxic chemical dioxin industrial waste near the Love Canal near Niagara Falls.
The toxic dump, which immediately caused serious health problems such as cancer, miscarriage and birth defects among local residents, drew international attention and the federal government eventually evacuated these people from the area.
One of the four major pollution-
In Japan, water ata is a related disease caused by severe mercury poisoning, which can damage the nervous system of the affected population.
The name of the disease comes from the incident in which the Chisso Corporation dumped industrial wastewater containing mercury into miramata Bay, thus polluting the food chain.
In addition to nervous system diseases, the incident also killed more than 2,000 people.
On 1976, a reactor exploded at a chemical plant near Milan, Italy, causing a large number of high
Toxic chloro-benzenep-
The release of dioxin into the atmosphere has seriously affected the nearby town of seviso.
More than 3,000 animals have died, and several more have been killed to avoid pollution entering the food chain.
More than 30,000 residents had to be hospitalized due to skin damage and inflammation.
After the Chernobyl accident, the cyanide leak in Baia Mare, Romania was considered the worst environmental disaster in Europe.
The incident occurred in January 30, 2000, when a gold mine company's dam leaked more than 100,000 cubic meters of water contaminated with more than 100 tons of cyanide and lacked monitoring due to poor management.
When extracting precious metals from ore, cyanide is used.
Toxic water kills a large number of fish and aquatic plants.
Several people who ate fish had to be hospitalized.
Water supply to more than 2 million people in Hungary has been destroyed.
Among these people
Causing disasters, careless negligence and lack of attention to life are the main reasons, resulting in terrible consequences.
It is important that the person appointed to deal with projects with such destructive potential must undergo a thorough review before being given such a heavy responsibility.
If this is not done, it is only a matter of time before history repeats itself.
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