restaurants with egg dishes Tarragon is worth seeking out
by:Two Eight
Tarragon is worth a visit in your herb garden.It injects subtle, subtle sweetness into vegetables and soups, mild cheeses, various egg dishes, and even white meat recipes.Fish and white sauce are ideal.One strange thing about tarragon is that it doesn't seem to have any aromatic properties at all during its growth.Until the top or leaves are harvested and dried, the oil concentrate will not give off the unique sweetness of tarragon, a bit like a new sweetnessmown hay.Root ball is the key to the reproduction of tarragon.Plants are not easy to produce seeds, nor are they easy to buyxa0You may need to look for someone to grow it.To breed it, divide the roots in spring after at least five new shootsxa0CMxa0Very high.Be sure to plant at least 45 centimeters.xa0In addition, the root structure of tarragon tends to diffuse horizontally.It can also be copied from the cuttings.The spreading shallow root structure means that you must be particularly careful when planting, and do not damage the root.Tarragon likes the gentle sun, but try to give it a little shade during the heat of the day.It performs well in a fairly barren soil that retains moisture but does not keep its feet moist.A good covering will help it.People who live by the sea or other relatively cold placesRomilo or tree tomatoes should be planted in the free area.They did a good job in tazhou.Although severe frost will kill the leaves, it usually comes back next season in mature trees.Tree tomato, betcybetacea, is not a tomato at all, although it belongs to the same family of plants, the family of jackets.Fruit is eggshaped and -Red, sometimes yellow.You can eat fresh or cook or save.The skin is hard and bitter, pour the boiled water on the fruit, let it stand for four minutes, and then put it in cold water to remove the skin easily.The skin falls off easily.The best soil for planting tamarillos is soil built with organic substances such as compost.It should be very deep.drained.Some blood and bones are also added, but not artificial fertilizers.When it comes to growing green plants for the table, all gardeners tend to get used to living things.Why not try other people's changes?You will find kale and kalexa0Seeds in the center of the garden.Kale (borecole) is a year-round plant.It can grow in summer, but its real advantage is the green in winter.It can follow mung beans, potatoes, peas and most other vegetables.Like all brassicas, kale is a heavy breeder who loves fertile, delicious foodtextured soil.The secret to the success of the entire cabbage tribe is rapid growth.To do this, they need to rot the feces during the planting time and do side dressing of the blood and bones every three weeks in the summer.Lime is essential for all members of the cabbage family.When you prepare for the ground, give it a drop of white clouds.This helps make the plant food in the soil easy to get.Kale is best developed deepReady, fertile soil.If grown in light sand or heavy clay soil, neither taste nor texture is good.Kale needs plenty of sunlight, and although they can withstand heat more than cabbage, they must have sufficient and regular water supplies.Sow a few seeds every two weeks or so, and have continued harvest almost all year round.
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