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restaurant dishes that are easy to eat Trying to eat healthy this year? The food world has your back

restaurant dishes that are easy to eat Trying to eat healthy this year? The food world has your back

It looks like it will be healthy and delicious in homes and restaurants across the country this year.From local ingredients to new superfoods, it's something that's going to be hot on plates and wine glasses in 2018.While meat has always been a star on the plate, we will see plants glowing in the coming year."I'm really excited to see people getting interested in plants --Shaun Quade said: "Based on cookingxa0Lummxa0In Melbourne."While I see more and more diners asking for vegetarian food, it's not necessarily a vegetarian diet, it's a menu where animal protein returns to the second line."I like to focus on meat as a whole dish, not on it.This is an opportunity for us to appreciate the beautiful fresh food we were fortunate enough to have and for us to enjoy our health.Chef Francesco Mannelli believes that we are increasingly interested in our local products.\ "Created by Alex Attara and others from D.O.M."In Olana, Brazil and Australia, diners can expect more local ingredients in their dishes," he said .".\ "(Which we use in our Fremantle octopus dishes) the beach banana fleshy plant, in our slow-Shoulder plate of roast mutton.They were selected and purchased from Ngarrindjeri people in the kurong area of South Australia."It's great to celebrate these unique herbs, but it's better to support Aboriginal communities in the process.There are long and luxurious meals in their place, but we are in a hurry these days for quality food."I think the trend of QSR (fast service restaurant) will continue to dominate our dining area next year," Quade said ."."More and more chefs leave the food industry and want to open more leisure and profitable places.This is only in the economic sense."I'm not one of them.I think there will always be a place to eat,xa0But it is different from the traditional format we are used.The latest superfood is marijuana, says star chef and nutritionist Zoe bingré prin.First of all, let's clarify: while marijuana comes from cannabis plants, it's not a drug.It is usually used as a soft fiber, but we have not fully utilized its health benefits yet."Cannabis is an important source of essential fatty acids and plants --Based on protein, it is most often called sesame seeds (known as sesame seeds), sesame oil and hemp powder.She said that the seeds are great in the bliss ball, and oil is best not heated and dripping on salads or vegetables, in powder form, cannabis is a big addition to smoothies.You can buy marijuana from the nearest health food store."Pinot Noir is the fastest growing variety in the red wine category;Australians like light red.\ "After becoming the toast of 1980, Chardonnay became so unfashionable that.B.C (anything but chardonnay) is created.But Chardonnay officially became the child of the grape comeback, and the style of the wine is more elegant.While Australians like to support local winemakers, we are also increasingly expanding our wines with international wines.Sardinia wines like Vermentino, Sicilian wines like Nero D. Aviola, and Portuguese varieties like Touriga Nacional, are all special"In the past few years, organic wines have become more and more popular, and together with bio-powered wines, will flourish in 2018.Eugene Lee, head chef at Brisbane's Indriya, said the boundaries of different cuisines will become increasingly blurred over the next year.He said: "We can now get all the ingredients in the sun, so the chefs cook with more ingredients --Focus on the way (instead of single food ).You look locally and think globally at the same time: it's a messA mix of culture.For home chefs, you can buy international ingredients that are very easy to cook in the supermarket.You can put the seaweed in the pumpkin soup at the most basic level.It's not just a fusion;It uses the ingredients of any cuisine to make delicious masterpieces.With these new food trends coming up, we need to say goodbye to some of the trends in 2017.Melbourne QT hotel executive chef Andy Hammerxa0Pascale.xa0& Grill said he was happy to see the back of the unnatural decor like the dots on the plate.Rabbi Xi Yani, publicxa0'We will see the demise of complex plating, 'said the Grosvenor."I would like to see the back of the food assembly, the return of protein and traditional cooking;Stocks, sauces, barbecues and barbecues.Dai Duong, co-Owner and executive chef of the hotelxa0Uncle, say what all the chefs have been thinking: "(I 'd love to say goodbye) someone who has no" real "allergy.

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