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restaurant dish washr Try old favourites and find new ones at Festivale

by:Two Eight     2019-08-16
restaurant dish washr Try old favourites and find new ones at Festivale

The best products in Tasmania state are made for chefs and TV show host Karen Matini, who is attending the festival this weekend in Launceston.Martini will cook chicken salad and summer entertainment dishes at a park event on Sunday with ingredients from Tasmanian Food Co and Harvest Launceston on Sunday."I am using Tasmanian Food Co's chicken and some of their wasabi products and I hope to find out more here," she said ."."I am going to harvest the market and I will be inspired by Tasmanian produce.I always knew there would be something special around the corner."I'm not doing the food in the restaurant," Mardini said. "It's something that people can take away the key points and assemble something themselves and feel satisfied and excited .".Launceston chefs Chris Williams, Nathan Johnston, Craig will and Christopher Wright will also cook on Saturday and Sunday as part of the event.In addition to the delicious food, there is also great wine during the festival.Natasha nihofer, partner at Goaty Hill, said they were "very excited" to receive awards for their riseling and ros é."It's always great to be recognized," she said ."."The festival is in our hometown, so it's great to be able to share the festival with our family and friends.Other award-winning vineyards include Arras Manor, pisbrook vineyard, Chamans wine,xa0Galas Manor Vineyards in Eddystone Point and Pririe.Festival chairman David Dunn said he was "excited and nervous" before the door opened on Friday afternoon "."The door is open.xa0"The nerves suddenly get much better and everything seems to go well," he said ."."What I want to say to people is to try something new and what you like best.There are so many choices during this time that people really need to try something different and really enjoy it.The doors of the festival will reopen at ten o'clock A.M. tomorrow..
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