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QNet Reviews Alexis Shannon Lee - the main dish restaurant impossible sold

by:Two Eight     2019-08-28
QNet Reviews Alexis Shannon Lee  -  the main dish restaurant impossible sold
Alexis works directly with some of Asia's most famous online marketers, including Vijay Eswaran, leader of global direct selling company QNet, Joseph Bismark and Donna Imson.
QNet is a traditional Asian health and lifestyle company founded in 1998.
High through innovation
The aim of the company is to provide high quality, exclusive products and strong support and service to enrich the life of customers.
QNet provides a mature business opportunity for its independent representative, while providing entrepreneurs with a promising and rewarding career, whether to earn extra income or start a full businesstime.
The core of QNet is based on the idea of serving others, and the heartbeat of enterprises that create a better future for everyone "lifts themselves to help humanity (RYTHM )".
Through the RYTHM Foundation, our corporate social responsibility unit, our extensive philanthropic activities involve the field of children and education;
Empowerment of youth and women;
Health and Healthbeing;
Sports and Culture.
For more than a decade, the company has built a strong global presence with millions of customers and independent representation around the world.
Qnet is a major subsidiary of the international Group QI Group, which has direct sales and e-commerce businessescommerce;
Leisure Lifestyle
Investment and property management;
Training and meeting management;
Luxury goods and collectibles.
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