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Pumpkins Recipes for Low Fat Healthy Diet - low calorie dishes at indian restaurants

by:Two Eight     2020-01-28
Pumpkins Recipes for Low Fat Healthy Diet  -  low calorie dishes at indian restaurants
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During Halloween and Thanksgiving, we eat a lot of candy, chocolate and foods rich in calories and fat.
Don't you think staying healthy and wonderful here is a good idea to enjoy the festive spirit? We will explore some healthy, low-fat and low-calorie pumpkin pie, soup, and salad recipes to promote a healthy diet that will not add any weight during this festival.
Pumpkins have many different uses that can be provided to all people with different needs and purposes.
It is rich in nutrients, vitamins and various minerals such as zinc, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, antioxidants, magnesium, fiber and potassium.
All of these different sources of nutrition contribute to overall health, and there are many other advantages.
Adding pumpkin "pumpkin: eating pumpkin with your food to get healthy" in a person's diet plan will be a very good choice.
Not only can people make sweet dishes with pumpkins such as pumpkin pies or pumpkin cookies, but they can also make recipes of various delicious or tart flavors such as soup or salad with pumpkins.
We have delicious pumpkin pie, delicious pumpkin soup, Egg Tart and baked pumpkin salad.
All of these recipes are low in fat and calories, so one can definitely take advantage of them without worrying about weight and health.
Delightful pumpkin peel: 1/2 cup 2% milk 3 brown egg 1 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (
Canned or homemade)
1 Cup pf brown sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder 1 1/2 teaspoon soy bean curd powder 1 1/2 teaspoon soy bean curd powder 1 teaspoon dried ginger powder 3-
4 drops of vanilla extract 9' uncooked pie Crust1 1/2 cup of low-fat whipped cream (Optional)
1/3 teaspoon sea salt direction: Preheat the oven at 400 degrees.
Pour milk in a deep bowl.
Add egg yolks from brown eggs one by one, and remove the egg yolks from both eggs.
Put all the ingredients together.
Add pumpkin puree or sauce.
You can buy cans directly from the store or you can make them at home.
You can take a look at the Zesty pumpkin soup recipe, in which you can find ways to make pumpkin puree at home.
Add brown sugar, sea salt and vanilla extract.
Give it a good mixer and mix well with other ingredients.
Add cinnamon powder, meat bean curd powder, bean curd powder, dried ginger powder and other dry ingredients together.
Mix all of these ingredients together to make sure there is no lump in the mixture of the pie stuffing.
Place the uncooked pie crust on the baking tray and pour the pie mixture into the baking tray.
Put in the oven and reduce the oven temperature from 400 degrees to 355 degrees.
Let it cook for about 45-50 minutes.
The best way to know if your pie is ready is to check the crust;
If it is golden, then it may do so.
You can even check if your pie stuffing is hard or soft.
If it is shaking then you should stay in it for a few more minutes until it is cooked.
Keep room temperature after completion.
You can bring it on if you want, or decorate it with low-fat whipped cream, or you can do whatever you want.
Delicious pumpkin soup: 4Ingredients1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Oil1 Powder1 Powder1 cinnamon clove small spoon tea spoon teaspoon curry powder Powder1 small bay Leaf1/month broken flap Onion1 Garlic1 ginger Paste2 teaspoon 1/2 cup vegetable 1 tablespoon chopped parsley per taste, put 1/2 cups of pure salt in pumpkin (Optional)
Note: Place a deep pan on the stove and add a special virgin olive oil to the pan.
Keep the heat on the medium.
Add all dry ingredients such as cinnamon powder, clove powder, curry powder and bay leaf.
Mix fully on medium flame.
Add chopped onions, garlic and ginger paste.
You can also buy garlic and ginger sauce from the market.
Let's fry it for a while.
Add the vegetable soup of all these ingredients directly in the pan.
Cover it with a lead and let it simmer for about 15 minutes.
This time, get your pumpkin puree ready.
You can buy pumpkin puree or make it at home.
Make pumpkin puree at home, first remove the skin from the pumpkin and cut it into small pieces.
Put it in the water filled with a pan and let it cook for about 10-15minutes.
Cover it with lead and let it cook.
Drain the excess water into a blender.
Mix it until it becomes smooth texture.
Put it aside at room temperature.
Your soup is ready.
If you have a canned pumpkin, put it in a blender and use it for a pasteurised sauce.
If it's thick soup, then you're ready.
Open the lead of the pan and add pumpkin puree to the pan.
Give it a nice Whirlpool in a few minutes so all the ingredients can mix well.
Don't forget to add sea salt and cover it with lead.
Let it cook for another 15-20 minutes so that it stays in good consistency.
Heat in the soup bowl and decorate it with parsley.
Tart and baked pumpkin salad: 5Ingredients2 cup roasted pumpkin Pieces1/month cup roasted pumpkin roasted red Onion1 Seeds1 Cup washed cup roasted orange bell Pepper1 Cup long leaf Lettuce2 olive oil 1/2 tbsp soup spoon Vinegar1 1/2 tbsp balsamic vinegar according to taste instructions, 1 teaspoon black pepper dried mango powder Sea Salt: Prepare a bowl of salad for future use.
Take the fingerboard and cut all the vegetables and fruits into medium sized pieces or you can buy canned vegetables and fruits to save your time and work.
Put these things into a big bowl.
Get one baking tray with pumpkin slices and pumpkin seeds.
Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil on top and let it bake.
At the same time, take another baking tray with red onion and sweet pepper.
Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil and let it bake.
Keep the oven at 355 degrees and let it bake for about 15-20 minutes.
This time, cut down the long leaf lettuce, or take a bag of long leaf lettuce.
Put vinegar, black pepper, dried mango powder and sea salt in a bowl.
Mix all these ingredients together and put them aside.
Remove the baking tray from the oven and cool at room temperature for about 5-10 minutes.
After cooling, add all the ingredients one by one, and then gently start mixing with salad sauce.
Before serving, rinse the roasted pumpkin seeds so that you can get more creaking while enjoying the salad.
Save in the shade or in the refrigerator before serving.
These are not only healthy recipes, but also low-fat, low-calorie foods.
Now you can enjoy these fun recipes with your family and friends without worrying about too much fat.
Related Source: pumpkin: eat pumpkin for health with your meal6'c' reason. If you want to know more about vegetarian dishes or side dishes, you can take a look at these recipes: Hot and sour sauce: sweet red and spicy green hot and sour sauce (Sauce)
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