popular restaurant pasta dishes history of italian cuisine - a1articles
by:Two Eight
Most people recognize pasta and pizza.Two of the most popular dishes as part of Italian cuisine.However, Italian cuisine offers a lot more than these two famous dishes.The most important thing is that Italian food has a rich and attractive history.Just like the different dishes it offers.Throughout Italy, all Italians always maintain a unique cooking habit or style in their eating habits, the style of preparing meals and the way they choose local ingredientsFrom pre-Until today's Roman era, Italian food history has undergone considerable changes.In ancient times, food preparation was very important.One of the ancient and existing cooking books is called Apicus.Apicus dates back to 1st century BC.The spread of Italian cuisine began after the fall of the Romans.Each country began to uphold its own traditions and identity.Each region has begun its own unique cooking method, from the basic preparation of meatballs to the distinctive varieties of cheese, as well as wines produced anywhere.For example, Tuscan beef was developed in the northern states, on the other hand, black truffles were prepared during the parade, and very famous Mozzarella and Provolone cheese were developed in the south, while also being the owner of many citrus fruits.Depending on the region, there are different kinds of bread, pasta and other different food preparation methods.Eating habits are also in sharp contrast, as people in southern Italy like --Cooked pasta, but people in the North prefer softegg noodles.Different cities begin to be known for their specialties, such as the Italian risotto in Milan, the Italian Torino meal in Bologna, and the pizza in Naples.Over the past few years, Italian cuisine has grown a lot due to wealth from outside influences, increasing taste and appeal.Rich ancient Greeks imported from all over the country added exotic ingredients and spices to Italian cuisine.The coastal area of Italy is known for its delicious seafood and fish.Sardinia, for example, has a traditional style of cooking, including sailfish, anchovies, lobsters, sardines and so on, but Sicily has a heavy northern flavorImpact of AfricaEven today, the varieties of Italian cuisine show the difference between the northern and southern styles of cooking.Each region has a tradition that profoundly reflects history.This wonderful culture that has never beenFinishing preparation for appetizers, main course-Courses and desserts that keep attracting our taste buds.School of Culture.For potential students who wish to start or expand their culinary arts career.
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