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Novaro’s chef Nicholas Hooper enjoyed Chef of the Year experience - dish restaurant 28205 owner

by:Two Eight     2019-08-25
Novaro’s chef Nicholas Hooper enjoyed Chef of the Year experience  -  dish restaurant 28205 owner
Despite not taking part in the next round, Novaro's restaurant owner and chef, Nicholas Huber, said he had a great time playing the annual Australian chef competition in Sydney.
"I really like it.
"I'm glad I did it," Hooper said . ".
He said he was "very nervous" about the game at first, but it was fine as soon as he entered the kitchen.
"I got myself into the beginning of a tizz," he said . ".
"I got 40 minutes and I can't believe I did it.
Hooper took part in the warm-up in Game 7 and he had to cook two dishes for the judges.
His first dish was oily Atlantic salmon, Chili Scallop oysters, and cucumber puree.
The second dish is Scottish pork with red beans and cream. Baked farro with citric acid milk seasoning.
"I will definitely do this again," Hooper said . ".
"I will know what will happen next time.
About 170 chefs applied for the competition, with only 32 shortlisted.
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