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make your own ceramic dinnerware How to Make A Windowsill Herb Garden.

by:Two Eight     2019-08-18
make your own ceramic dinnerware How to Make A Windowsill Herb Garden.
Delicious home-
What I have planted may be considered Mediterranean or European herbs, but in fact they have been used in this country for centuries, as the Romans have brought.
At many of my recipe centers, I mentioned using fresh herbs instead of drying them in bottles.
Dry herbs are good, but you can't beat them with fresh herbs to get real essence.
Don't think you need a large garden or a special planting facility.
Most of my herbs are placed on the windowsill of the kitchen or in a flowerpot outside the back door.
Most herbs are easy to grow from seeds, so your herbs are cheap to produce. garden-
But I grew up from the seeds.
I also have some seeds in the flowerpot and I sprout as a bud rather than a fully grown plant.
When cooking, they often use bean sprouts in one meal.
I will choose if I can only eat three herbs;
Mint, parsley and basil. Mint.
Mint is always my first choice as it goes with my favorite food;
I think this is probably the most common of all herbs.
, Whether it's with juicy lamb chops or pouring on new potatoes, it can have such a big impact on any meal.
From Australia to North America, these fragrant green leaves are found all over the world.
They belong to a family of plants called Mentha, and there may be as many as 20 different species.
How to make simple mint sauce.
Add a glass of water to the pot and cook it to boil.
Add a teaspoon of domilla sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar.
Stir in vinegar and melt the sugar in the water.
Chop the mint leaves and you get the most flavor from the mint leaves, so, chop the leaves and put them in the basin.
When the sugar melts, pour the boiling water on the leaves.
This simple sauce is perfect with a Sunday roast.
This is a traditional Indian cuisine with many meals.
You can dip it, you can pour it on the rice, you can also eat it with hot curry, let your mouth cool, or you can pour it directly into the curry to make it gentle.
Dice a pinch of mint or 500 ml yogurt into a dish and add cucumber and mint.
You can add a little bit of black pepper or pepper as a variant.
You can finish it and just add a little mint to the top of the dish to make the sauce more appealing.
Add them to mint.
To give it an extra shock, grind out the passion from the lemon and add it to your dish.
Add juice from two lime.
Add a glass of water, sugar, about 500 ml of the carbonated lemon to put the blender for the whole thing with six or eight ice cubes and put it in the fridge before you're ready to drink.
Parsley is my second option because it works well with fish food and you can also use it with beef or pork, however, whether it's shellfish or white fillet, it is one of the best flavors to add to the fish.
Or garden parsley-
Known as a species native to the Mediterranean region, it originated in Italy, Alia and Tunisia.
It is widely grown as herbs and vegetables.
I tend to grow it outside in the summer because it can't be a very nice windowsill plant.
My window faces south and has sunshine all day, sometimes very good, but it means that the plants on the windowsill will soon dry and parsley likes to keep it moist like this.
Some people say it tastes stronger than curled varieties, and there is a third breed that grows mainly in southern Italy, which has a celery that is thick like a stem.
There is also parsley, but I must admit that I have never seen it before.
Parsley has long been used in vegetable gardens because it attracts insects, which can be a hassle for other plants.
I personally use it to keep my tomatoes from being attacked.
I remember my mother used this herb in many dishes and we had a veggie fruit shop that also sold fish and games so there was always fish on the weekend menu, A company in that fish will be parsley made by my mother with white sauce.
It's just a simple white sauce and sometimes she changes it and puts a little more cheddar cheese, but there's always parsley in it.
Parsley and white cheese sauce made by mom.
Then add the corn flour and stir it into a paste;
Pour a pint of milk for three quarters and stir well.
Before you make the gravy, you need to chop up a handful of parsley and put it in the pan.
You can also cook some cheese if you like and then add.
Continue to stir, be careful;
It will spit and bubble like a volcano.
You can pour this on fish, potatoes or shrimp.
In the pastry box, my mother used it as a party food.
My third choice is basil, which is often called the king of herbs.
There are many different statements and explanations about the name, which comes from basileus, Greece, meaning King.
This is the core of Italian cooking, so I think this herb gives the Mediterranean flavor even without other herbs, but this herb originated in India.
I found it very successful to grow on my windowsill, but when the weather was very clear I had to put it on the kitchen table.
Often referred to as Basil sweet basil, also known as St. Joseph's wort.
The factory is surrounded by folklore, myths and legends.
In the Greek Orthodox Church, for example, it is used to prepare holy water, and in some parts of India it is placed in the mouth of a dying person to ensure their safe journey to heaven.
Obviously, it can be made into insect repellent, which is highly toxic to mosquitoes.
That's not why it's on my kitchen windowsill, I eat there because it tastes good in so many different dishes and food.
Once you combine it with other herbs, you will be able to make meals with the most wonderful aromas and aromas.
Recently I have been growing and using Greek basil with much smaller leaves.
I personally think it tastes very much like Basil I have used for many years.
In addition to herbs, I have a lot of seeds that are sprouting.
The seeds of germination include mung beans, fennel seeds, parsley and fenuba seeds.
All of this is useful in my cooking activities and easy to grow.
Simply put a few seeds in the small bowl of the ramekin plate, add water, and put it for a few days.
When the newly sprouted seed splits to allow the plant to grow, it is in its best condition.
By using a combination of herbs, I can create many different flavors, and of course, the possibility of adding sea salt sometimes lavender seems endless. Italian blend;
I used this mixture when I was making Italian food.
Oregano, basil leaves, rat Lee, Baili, and of course sea salt.
Italian herb rub, I rub into meat with this next mixture before cooking, almost using it as a marinade.
Tomato sauce, dry garlic, red pepper slices, peppers, Baili leaves, fennel seeds, balsamic vinegar powder (just use a drop of vinegar if you don't have something dry.
Salt, Basil, rat plum, sugar, oregano, rosemary, bay leaf, black pepper, marjoram.
I can't tell you the exact proportions of this mixture, but I 've listed them in the order of quantities I use and you can change it to your own taste, sometimes you can change things in the cabinet.
My next combo is based on Provence herbs, marjoram, oregano, Baili leaves, rosemary, basil, tarragon, lavender, sea salt and a small amount of black pepper.
This is an ideal mixture of forced stewing and broth.
Beef and lamb are very well matched.
I use it sometimes to wipe or marinate. .
Here is a list of herbs I currently have on the windowsill and next to the back door of the house.
In Greece and Rome, Marjoram gold was considered a symbol of happiness.
Thyme brainsingham in pink
(Thymus Praecox) time is an interesting plant with a fascinating history used by ancient Egyptians for corrosion protection, in which ancient Greeks bathe, in their temples, it is recognized as the popularity and use of the Romans to spread it in Europe.
Once it was placed under the pillow to help sleep and stay away from the nightmare.
It is also given to Knights and Warriors because people believe it will bring courage.
It has a lot of medicinal value, for example, in western India, the Baili Tea given to the mother after delivery.
Oil that can also be extracted from plants is usually used for medical purposes.
Baili Valley.
Because my favorite book is probably Lorna Doone.
This is a typical thyme for any meat dish.
I also grew up in a small flower pot outside;
There are also rosemary, rat plum, leeks, oregano and more.
Before I retired, I worked in my own pottery and art gallery.
I sold quite a few pots, but I have a very good box of pots in the shed that never see the sun during the day.
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