Leafy Sea Dragon Facts - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
by:Two Eight
The multi-leaf Sea Dragon is one of those amazing sea fish with leaves
It's like the whole body.
Here is a brief overview of these interesting marine organisms associated with the hippocampus.
The word "Hailong" may create a terrible image in your mind.
Including seahorse and sea fish.
The family is characterized by a long nose, a fused Chin, no pelvic fins, and the role of men in fertilization and incubation.
In short, the family includes some amazing sea fish that look different from the traditional one. . ) respectively.
Therefore, the Sea Dragon is not a terrible marine animal, but a small sea fish.
There are two kinds of Hailong --
Hailong with leafy weeds.
Multi-leaf Hailong has become one of the most magical, beautiful and exquisite sea fish due to its multi-leaf attachment.
Hailong has a close relationship with the hippocampus, but the two are completely different and belong to different Asian families and genera.
As the name correctly suggests, the Sea Dragon has a multi-leaf limb.
They look like seahorses, but they are different in every way from the latter.
The most common differences include multiple Leaf attachments on the body, no coiled tail, and no belly pockets for young people.
The multi-leaf limb is so gorgeous and delicate that the fish looks beautiful and fragile.
However, they have scales that cover and protect the body.
The multi-leaf limb is actually intended for camouflage because it is difficult to distinguish between this fish and floating seaweed.
The color of these multi-leaves is generally green to brown.
They change the color according to the surrounding environment.
The nature of the color change of this fish may vary depending on factors such as age, diet, stress level and location.
The multi-leaf attachment does not function in their movement, which is done with the help of the pecs and dorsal fins on its neck spine, which is located at the back of the tail.
These fins are also very small and very transparent.
The multi-leaf Hailong has two eyes above the nose, which have the ability to move independently.
In short, the fish can look in many directions at the same time.
Instead of teeth, this magical creature has a long nose, which helps them suck small fish, shrimp, fish and plankton.
Camouflage ability helps them catch prey, which is sucked in through strawlike snout.
The leafy sea dragons are usually found in Australian waters.
They traveled far away and returned to the original place.
Their habitat includes reefs, seaweed beds, seaweed Meadows, and beaches near coral reefs covered with seaweed. They are slow-
Moving animals, at the same time as they move, look like only floating sea grass.
This makes the fish, the only animal in the world, hidden by movement.
Despite their ability to disguise, they also have long, sharp thorns to protect themselves.
Male members are responsible for taking care of the eggs and carrying young ones.
It is observed that the color of the male's tail turns dark yellow during mating.
Women can produce up to 250 pink
Colored eggs are then deposited on the male's tail through a tubelike appendage.
These eggs are attached to the chicks patch on the male tail.
The brood provides oxygen for the egg and fertilizes it.
Eggs hatch after nine weeks, but the time required to hatch may change with the conditions of water.
In these nine
During the week, the color of the egg changes from pink to purple or orange.
The incubation process was helped by the male, who pumped the tail to the baby from the egg.
Shortly after birth, only a small fraction (about 5%) of the eggs survived, forming a completely independent young Hailong.
They reached sexual maturity in 28 months.
In addition to predators, the leafy sea dragons are threatened by human activities and natural disasters.
When they are washed ashore in a strong storm, humans seize them to prepare alternative drugs.
There are also aquariums.
However, these fish cannot survive outside their natural habitat.
They are now listed as "near-threatened" and protected by law in Australia.
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