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Job Description of a Sommelier - the restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-09-12
Job Description of a Sommelier  -  the restaurant dishes
Interested in wine?
Are there any tricks to identify wine specials?
Hospitality runs through your blood?
Use these skills to become a sommelier whose job description will be outlined in the upcoming career article.
To be a "master of wine" you have to pass the master of Sommelier diploma exam, one of the hardest to crack.
As of 2013, only about 200 people had passed the bill.
The sommelier, also known as a wine steward, is not just an ordinary person standing in a restaurant serving customers blindly.
He is a very skilled person who helps diners choose a wine that blends perfectly with their food.
This requires a special understanding of the composition of the wine, how it is made, and how it affects a particular dish if it is not matched properly.
He has to be an intellectual and have the prudent skills to deal with customers and talk to them about what is best for them.
A professional sommelier works with the cooking team and can also guide his customers on the floor of the restaurant.
His most important tasks include sourcing wine, storing wine, rotating wine in the wine cellar and providing quality service to customers.
Managing stocks --
As a sommelier, you can find a job in the various departments that handle wine.
Accordingly, some specific duties are outlined below.
The American Culinary College offers professional courses in this field.
Once the candidate has passed the course, he will be a certified wine professional.
Master Sommelier court is another international recognized authority and interested candidates can complete the introductory course before attempting a certified sommelier exam.
This exam is to test the skills and expertise of the candidate, and the people who pass this exam are considered rare and exceptional in this field.
The average salary range for the American sommelier is $56,000 per year, depending on where the person works and his experience in the field.
Ultimately, a broad understanding of wine, a sensitive taste and an extraordinary sense of smell are the hallmark of an efficient sommelier who knows a lot about his work.
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