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Interesting Facts About Stonefish - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-08-31
Interesting Facts About Stonefish  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
Stone Fish is a good disguise.
Their rough, rough skin, as well as their body shape and skin tone, help them blend perfectly around by giving them a stone or stoneLike appearance.
You can find some more interesting facts about the stone fish in this animal sake article.
Stone fish can survive outdoors for nearly 24 hours.
Stone fish are masters of disguise because they look like harmless rocks or stones lying on the bottom of the sea.
But because of this disguise, failure to distinguish between stone fish and stone may lead to life --
Sometimes there are threatening consequences.
Stone Fish is the most poisonous fish known in the world.
So if someone accidentally stepped on the fish, it would cause fatal pain.
Stone Fish, however, are not aggressive and do not attack unless provoked or someone accidentally stepped on it. . family.
Or "Hekou stone fish ".
The name of the stone fish is real, it looks like broken rock or rubble lying on the bottom of the sea.
But if you look closely, you will find some interesting features that will be discussed below.
Most stone fish are brown or gray with spots of yellow, orange or red.
Usually brown or red. brown in color.
Orange, sponge.
The growth found in stone fish can make them look like a ruin in a coral reef.
Reef fish usually reach the size of 35 cm, although some can grow to the size of 50 cm.
The maximum sample length to be recorded so far is 51 cm.
The weight of the stone fish is about 2,400 gms.
The stone fish has huge bugs.
Like the eyes, the location of the eyes can help distinguish between reef fish and river mouth stone fish.
The eyes of the Hekou stone fish are higher than those of the reef fish, which are separated by a bone ridge.
On the other hand, the eyes of the reef fish are deeply sunken apart.
One of the most important features of the stone fish is its needle-
Like the modified dorsal fin, at the bottom of the dorsal fin, the pressure-
It is located in sensitive poisonous glands.
The stone fish has 13 sharp dorsal fin Spurs, and it raises them to protect itself whenever the fish feels threatened.
The stone fish, along with 13 dorsal fin Spurs, have two pelvis and three anal thorns, but they are still buried in the skin.
There is no fish scale.
The skin of the fish makes it look like a rough stone.
Stone fish are mainly distributed along the coast of India.
Waters of the Pacific Ocean and northern Australia.
Their main habitat is coral reefs.
However, they can also be found in mud or sand near and below the rock ledge and at the entrance to the tide.
Although Stone Head fish are mainly marine fish, some live in rivers.
Both reef fish and estuary stone fish show the same breeding pattern.
The females of the species themselves carry unfertilized eggs that are released on the sea floor or on a rock shelf.
When the male stone fish reaches the area, it will spray sperm on the eggs.
Fertilized eggs hatch within three days.
New stone fish can become prey to other fish, so only a few of the millions of baby stone fish survive to adulthood.
The stone fish is a bottom-
Residents who eat small fish and shrimp as their main food.
The stone fish is a patient Hunter, pretending to wait for hours until the prey reaches its range of attacks.
Sometimes it will bury itself under the sand or ledge, so that only the overhead and thorns of it will be exposed.
If the prey is located behind its head, the stone fish raises its needle --
Scare the prey like a dorsal fin Thorn and take it to a striking area.
The poison glands located at the bottom of these thorns contain neurotoxins.
The toxins found in the stone fish are: soluble stone fish toxin, raw stone toxin and cardiac active toxin.
These toxins are mainly composed of proteins, which are involuntarily discharged through dorsal fin Spurs when pressure is applied.
After injecting the venom, it will take weeks for the gland to refill.
It has been found that the amount of venom discharged from these glands is proportional to the degree of pressure applied to them.
Fish are consumed in China, Hong Kong and Japan.
In Japan, it is a "sashimi" dish called "okoze.
Stone fish can spit water, which is very unusual for fish.
Due to the toxic nature of the stone fish, their thorns can produce severe pain and swelling.
Depending on the depth of penetration and the number of spine that penetrates, it will eventually lead to tissue death and paralysis.
In order to educate their children about the dangers of reef fish, Aboriginal Australians once performed dances.
They used to place clay models of stone fish in the water.
Then a performer walked over the water, stepped on the clay model and screamed bitterly.
Fish are poisonous but are mainly sold as aquarium pets.
Usually, people who are stung by stone fish are advised to seek medical care because of the resistance
Venom can be needed to prevent any life
Threatening Complications
Heating up the wound helps reduce the effects of toxins and pain.
In this case, however, it is not recommended to attach a piece of cloth to the wound to limit the movement of the venom.
In order to avoid a dangerous encounter with the stone fish, it is best to gently step on the beach and put on thick clothes. soled footwear.
Swimmers step in the water and avoid anything that looks like a rock, avoiding the accidental encounter of stone fish.
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