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How to Make Chicken Peanut Curry at Home - make restaurant dishes at home

by:Two Eight     2020-01-09
How to Make Chicken Peanut Curry at Home  -  make restaurant dishes at home
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Home chefs sometimes have trouble cooking high quality food because they are limited in equipment, ingredients, time, skills and quantity.
Restaurants have a huge advantage: they are able to devote all their time and energy to the development of food because it is their livelihood.
This recipe for chicken peanut curry is easy to make at home and tastes like it was made in Thai restaurants.
This recipe stems from my desire for delicious chicken peanut curry and lives in a small town where there is no place to eat delicious chicken peanut curry.
We have been trying and adjusting this recipe for about two months.
I am happy to report that it is perfect!
I can't wait to share it with you!
Credit: Crystal SykesIngredients: 2 chicken breast 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 tbsp chopped Garlic2 tbsp chopped ginger 1/2 cup chopped peanuts 1 tbsp red curry Buster 1/4 cup chopped coconut 1 large green onion 1 can be garnish3 tbsp coconut milk coriander with peanuts, peanuts can also be provided for garnish2 cup cooking Jasmine sauce.
Slice the chicken to one side.
Cook jasmine rice according to the instructions of the box or bag and set aside.
Source: Crystal sykes2
Chop up ginger, garlic, scallions and peanuts.
Measure all the other ingredients and put them aside.
This recipe goes fast and you will want to get everything ready.
Source: Crystal sykes4
Heat a medium to large size frying pan with medium to high temperature.
Add coconut oil to the pan to raise the temperature.
Coconut oil needs to melt.
Add chicken and cook for about 5 minutes.
Source: Crystal sykes5
Add ginger and garlic to the boiled chicken and stir evenly.
Source: Crystal sykes6
Stir with peanuts.
Source: Crystal sykes7
Add coconut and red curry sauce to the cooking chicken.
Source: Crystal Sykes 8
Add curry powder and white pepper and stir well.
Credit: Crystal SykesCredit: Crystal sykes9
Add a mixture of soy sauce and sweet pepper to the pan and stir well.
Source: Crystal sykes10
Put the scallions into the pot; stir.
Credit: Crystal SykesCredit: Crystal sykes11
Add coconut milk and put it into the fire.
If you slow it too long, it will think and consistency will disappear.
Credit: Crystal SykesCredit: Crystal sykes12
Chop coriander and peanuts for decoration.
Source: Crystal sykes13
Add rice to half a bowl.
Scoop the curry chicken into the other half of the bowl.
Source: Crystal sykes14.
Decoration can be added if you wish
Believe me, the side dishes are better. Enjoy!
Credit: Crystal Sykesfunction articleAdMiddleLoad (){if (typeof jQuery ! = "undefined"){
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