How to Ensure Proper Communication in the Stewarding Department - how to clean restaurant dishes
by:Two Eight
In order to have a very good process in the restaurant, especially in the kitchen as the core of the organization, there should be appropriate communication within the Department of Management.
Through proper communication by the Information Committee, the information is easily disseminated to other staff members and can also be achieved through various meetings that flight attendants need to attend.
The information committee, first of all, the department of management must have an information committee that can distribute the information appropriately.
Secondly, the information board should be located in a place where it is easy to be seen and accessed by the department staff.
Finally, it should be reiterated to the staff that it is their responsibility to check the information committee on a regular basis in order to keep abreast of the department's status and what is happening.
What should the information board contain?
The information committee should be divided into different parts.
It should have general information, which should contain information from the hotel management itself and from other departments.
There should also be a section dedicated to sending messages to the food and beverage department, especially the Ministry of management.
In addition to the information, this section should also contain a staff schedule for work.
Another part of the information committee should be dedicated to emergency information and new news.
This should be very prominent on the board and employees should develop the habit of checking new emergency information every day to keep themselves updated.
Finally, the section "others" should also be given.
This is where standard messages are placed for the day.
The information board is very important, so it should always contain the updated information.
Now, the duty leader shoulders the responsibility of regularly updating the information board.
Any new, especially urgent information on the information committee needs to be discussed or disseminated to other departments of the department during their daily department briefing and meetings.
The above-mentioned daily housekeeping briefings or meetings, daily housekeeping briefings and meetings are also important aspects of ensuring proper communication.
Briefings and meetings should be required for each shift to ensure that new information is properly disseminated and staff must attend.
However, it is decided that other meetings such as weekly Department meetings will depend on the director of the department of management or the head of the Department of Management.
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the chief steward must still coordinate with the catering management in this regard, especially for training purposes.
There are many reasons for doing briefings and meetings in the Department of Management every day.
First of all, it is prepared for better control and management of services.
Second, this is done to remind staff of their daily activities and to disseminate information such as internal information.
Third, the development assessment has also been done.
This can also include tips and suggestions for sharing better services and results.
The person who presided over the briefing of the daily management department can be the general manager department, the assistant management department or the team leader.
It takes at least five minutes to brief the Ministry of management every day.
There should be a daily briefing calendar per day, which has dual functions.
One is to serve as a guide for those who hold meetings, and the other is to make it easier for other employees to have access to information.
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