how to clean dishes in a restaurant how to clean oily dishes | ehow
by:Two Eight
The oil film on your plate is caused by greasy food.Dishes need grease-Remove the membrane by cutting the detergent.Commercial detergents can safely remove oily residues, or you can naturally remove grease from dishes with baking soda.Baking soda is a gentle cleaning product that can be used for cleaning and deodorization.You can buy it in the baking aisle of the local grocery store.Fill the sink with hot water and pour 1 teaspoon.of dish-Laundry detergent or 2 tbsp.Put baking soda in the water.Scrape loose food off the plate with a fork and put it into the trash can.Place the dishes in hot water and soak them for 30 minutes.Scrub the plate with a non-wear sponge.Rinse dishes with hot water and tap water and dry them with a clean dish towel.Or, let the air on the plateDry on the rack.
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