***how can i use the lefkoe method? part 1 - selfgrowth.com - how can restaurant syncronize dishes
by:Two Eight
Many of you have used the faith process of Lefkoe and have found that permanently getting rid of faith has had a profound impact on your life.
Did you know that the Lefkoe approach includes eight other processes that you can use to make major changes in your life?
Depending on the problem you are trying to solve and what you are trying to accomplish, some other process may be required.
Because recently the reader asked me to describe the differences between each process and explain how each process was used, I decided to use my blog post for the next few weeks to do this.
I will provide a short description of each process, explain how it works and tell you how to use it to help you get rid of the problems you face in your daily life.
This week I will discuss the Lefkoe belief process and the Lefkoe stimulation process.
I will write something else in the coming weeks.
As far as I know, there is no other belief --
Guarantee the elimination process of permanent elimination of basic beliefs.
Also, I am very confident that no one provides a complete process to help you make any changes you want in your life . . . . . . And stick to it.
In fact, I do not know that any other process will produce the results achieved by these processes. • Lefkoe De-
• Lefkoe process of faith-
• Lefkoe process of faith-
Who the hell am I?
The Lefkoe belief process I developed in 1975 is the first process and still the most important.
Most of our bad behavior and feelings can eventually be traced back to our beliefs, so being able to get rid of them will be the biggest long term.
Differences in terms in your life.
As I said using this term, a belief is a statement about reality, and it is truth for us.
It is regarded emotionally as truth because it is possible for us to disagree intellectually with what we believe.
For example, even if you know intellectually that this is not true, you may think that I am not good enough.
So the way to know that you have faith is to speak out the words of faith and ask yourself: do these words feel real?
Do they have a little resonance?
Are they not feeling well?
Most of our core beliefs about ourselves, about people and about life are formed after the first six years of life interacting with our parents.
Belief in other areas of life
Such as work, politics, interpersonal relationships and social aspects
Usually formed when we meet them.
The steps of medlar are mainly for you to discover what you think is "truth" and what you think you "see" in the world, it's really just a "truth" that only exists in your mind ".
When you make this distinction, the belief becomes an explanation of a series of meaningless events you give, and the belief disappears.
Typical negative beliefs include I'm not good enough, I don't matter, I can't do anything, people can't trust, life is difficult. Many day-to-
The daily problems we face
For example, delay, sell yourself well enough to try to impress others --
It can usually be solved by eliminating the beliefs that lead to them.
Many emotions in the Lefkoe stimulation process are caused by beliefs, for example, believing that dogs are dangerous and creating fear in the face of dogs.
The belief that people cannot trust leads to the feeling of doubt.
When faith is eliminated, emotions are usually eliminated as well.
However, there are many adults who experience emotions that don't seem to rely on faith.
In life, we often experience negative emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, anxiety and sadness.
We experience these feelings whenever a particular event or situation occurs, such as when we make mistakes or when someone is angry with us, we feel fear, or whenever we are asked to do something,
In many cases, events that stimulate our feelings do not create the same feeling in others, and vice versa.
Why, for example, is an event that is not inherently terrible that creates fear in some people, not in others?
What seems to happen is anything that happens over and over again (if the event is traumatic enough or even happens once) at the same time, something else is causing an emotion that itself will get used to producing the same emotion.
This is a series of mistakes, criticism, failure to meet expectations, rejection, and other non-
A terrible situation creates anxiety (or other emotions, such as anger ).
A classic example of this is an experiment with a dog by a psychologist named Pavlov.
The dogs drool when they are delivered with food.
Then, the bell rings before showing the dog the food.
After demonstrating a lot of food with a bell, the bell rings and no food is delivered.
In any case, dogs are mouth watering because they link the bells with the food.
In other words, the stimulus that normally does not produce a response is the one that responds because it is associated with the stimulus that does produce the response.
In other words, stimulus is conditional.
Here is an example I use with my client that will make this very clear.
Imagine that I handed you an ice cream cone with one hand, clenched my fist with the other and pulled it back as if to hit you.
How could you feel?
. . . . . . A degree of anxiety if you think you might get hit.
Now imagine the next few times someone handed you an ice cream cone and the same thing happened and you feel anxious every time.
Even without threatening fists, what do you think the next time you receive an ice cream cone?
Probably anxiety.
It's clear that ice cream cones are not inherently scary.
If there is no fist next time, only ice cream, why do you feel anxious?
Because when the ice cream cone is associated with the fist, it creates fear.
There's something that scares you (Fist) and every time you're scared by a fist, the ice cream happens to be there.
Here is an example in real life: when someone asks him to do something, think about it and he will feel scared.
When was the first time he experienced the fear of being asked to do something?
Assume that the initial source of fear is a father who always yelled, threatened, and feared at clients when he was a child.
No matter what the client did, the father was not satisfied.
When the client looks back at the reasons for his fear, he finds that being asked to do something is not an inherent fear.
What causes fear is the meaning of his unconscious attribution to his father's actions: the man on whom he lives is taking back his love.
No love, no care;
There is no survival without care.
This is the reason for fear.
Can you see that fear is not the inherent reason for doing things perfectly? In fact, you do or don't do anything specific.
To help people get rid of these emotional issues, I developed a new process in 1997, which I call the Lefkoe stimulation process (LStimP ).
It is simpler than medlar and usually takes only five to ten minutes to completely eliminate
Regulate the stimulation that causes emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger and guilt.
The Lefkoe stimulation process works by helping you realize that initially "being asked to do something" never creates fear.
The initial reason for fear is the meaning given by the way you are asked to do something (with the anger of the request), the person you rely on to survive (your father ).
You associate "being asked to do something" with losing love, and you end up experiencing "a threat to your survival ".
\ "When the association is broken, when you realize that you have made this arbitrary association, the event (required to do something) Associated will no longer cause fear.
When you consciously distinguish between the causes that really lead to feelings in the first place and the events that happen to be related to feelings, related events (current stimuli of feelings) will no longer cause this feeling.
It's important to be aware of most of our emotional problems --
Like anxiety, depression, anger and sadness.
It cannot be completely eliminated only by eliminating faith.
You also have to use the Lefkoe stimulation process.
Next week's post will describe the additional process of the Lefkoe approach, and you may need to remove all the obstacles to having the life you 've always wanted.
Please share below any comments you have on the Lefkoe belief process and the Lefkoe stimulation process.
If you haven't removed at least one of your self-limitations
Use the respect faith of the Lefkoe faith process and go here and you can eliminate a free restricted faith.
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