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History of Italian Food - what are the tastiest dishes at mexican restaurants

by:Two Eight     2019-08-31
History of Italian Food  -  what are the tastiest dishes at mexican restaurants
Italian food is mainly influenced by Greek and French flavors.
Every region of Italy has its own special cuisine.
Here we try to learn about the history of Italian cuisine.
World-Italian cuisinefamous.
Pizza and pasta are the two most popular dishes in the world.
Italian recipes are known for using fine ingredients such as herbs and spices.
The history of Italian cuisine dates back to ancient Rome.
Historians believe that the first recorded Italian food was in the 8 th century BC, when Greek settlers settled in Sicily and Magna in southern Italy.
The food from the Italian mountains combines French and Mountain specialties.
The food in this area has a rich Gaul flavor from France.
Therefore, dishes like white truffles or "trifola d" are one of the popular Italian dishes.
You can find seafood with French flavor in the city of Liguria in northern Italy.
Italians believe that Italian food borrowed from Greeks is nutritious and delicious.
Regular foods include foods made from chickpeas, beans, dried figs, pickled olives, salted fish and dried pork.
Various dishes are prepared at weddings or festivals.
Some of Magna's dishes include sweet meat made of almonds and walnuts, honey sauce, meat in soup and vinegar.
Rich feast related to Ancient Roman nobles.
In the 5 th century, Italy was invaded by barbarians.
The dishes of the barbarians are different from those of the Italians.
Barbarian dishes include stuffed food
Pastries, baked pies and barbecues.
The food of the barbarian has affected the Italian cuisine to some extent.
Italians introduced fresh fruits and vegetables in their early 1000 advertising diet.
This period is called the Renaissance period of Italian culinary art.
Without the mention of "pizza", The History of Italian food will not end.
Pizza is popular in ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt and Babylon.
Many historical evidence suggests that both ancient historians Cato and Herodotus enjoyed pizza.
In the past days, bake pizza on a hot stone.
Later eaten with vegetables or stewed meat.
Sometimes pizza is seasoned with herbs and spices.
Flat bread.
In the Middle Ages, people began to season their pizzas with a variety of herbs, spices mixed with olive oil.
You can correctly say that pizza gained a new flavor and look during the Middle Ages.
Gradually, with the launch of buffalo cheese called mozzarella, Italian pizza is not only popular in Italy, but also in the world.
The ancient Romans often eat light meals twice a day and a hearty meal a day.
Break fast food with olives, milk, eggs and wine.
The food at noon is usually fruit and cold dishes.
However, dinner is made up of a variety of seafood, bread, meat, sweet meat and wine.
The dessert is fresh dry fruit.
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