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history of bone china dinnerware The First Time Mankind Ever Dressed: History of Clothing and textiles

by:Two Eight     2019-08-17
history of bone china dinnerware The First Time Mankind Ever Dressed: History of Clothing and textiles
Covering oneself is a basic tendency of human beings;
Another disaster.
We have never been dressed in half.
Driven by the invention, we are now halfway through.
The question of values today.
Those who decide that they have had enough of this situation. Textile; definition; What is textile?
This definition is informative. make fabrics.
The difference between Felt and textile fiber; fibres. Clothing;
When did we start?
Actually, I started to dress myself.
People started wearing clothes 650,000 years ago.
Head lice live in clothes about 107,000 years ago.
The date of the Neolithic age is also known as the late Stone Age.
It existed about 50,000 years ago.
The cut and shape of the first dress in history;
Cover the cloth and fix it together in a reasonable way.
The first technology to preserve the oldest textiles and felt.
Fragment Funnel Beaker culture from Rmiz
Kremela I, Central Moravia, Czech Republic.
Culture exists at 4000 B. C. to 2900 B. C.
In northern and central Europe.
Including X-
Scientists use ray microanalysis and microscopic research to identify fiber content, elemental components, or other observable information.
The fiber itself does not contain any sulfur, which would be the case if it was wool.
The fragments are woven from linen fiber.
A short-handled plant with a slender stem, about 1 feet and a half high, with blue linen, grown for seeds and fibers.
Various parts of the plant are used to make fabrics, dyes, paper, medicines, fishing nets, Hairspray and soap.
The fabric woven from linen fiber is linen.
It is luxurious and light and popular among the rich and poor in ancient Egypt.
With the progress of the times, the methods and technologies used in textile production are also improving.
Scientists believe that unlike animal skin where the first textile is generally believed to be stitched together, the first textile may have a feeling.
Although some types of felt are very soft, some felt are difficult to form building materials.
People must have been relying on this technology for hundreds of years, because the next online technology has been studied for a long time after the so-called clothing first instance.
Possible stitches can be traced back to 40,000 years.
The earliest examples of clearly identifiable needles came from Solutrean culture, living in France, from 19000 B. C to 15000 B. C.
Civilization is known for their tool-making skills and has made breakthrough progress in this area.
The earliest evidence of weaving came from the impression of textiles on small pieces of hard clay, an impression dating back to 27,000 years, discovered in Dolni Vestonice, Czech Republic.
About 25,000 years ago, a statue of a woman in a dress was found.
The statue from Western Europe is wearing a basket hat or hat, a belt at the waist, and a belt wrapped in the body above the chest.
The Eastern European doll is a belt with a low hip and sometimes a skirt.
So we have developed dozens of weaving methods and materials to produce a variety of fabrics that we like to show off today.
The introduction of automated means makes this process more efficient and inexpensive.
The Bank of the Neolithic age is about 5500 B. C. and wove linen.
There is little evidence of wool production.
About 5000 B domesticated silkwormC.
Production in China.
Materials available locally, such as marijuana for cloth making.
Fabric starting from 5000 BC to 4000 B. C.
Materials and skills of aliens.
These are gifts from people who worked hard yesterday.
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