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Gourami Fish Care - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-02
Gourami Fish Care  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
If you remember some basic requirements for your aquatic pet, Gourami fish care is fairly easy.
The following pet care articles will help you to get basic knowledge about taking care of gour fish.
One of the most tenacious fish for beginners is gulami.
These are beautiful fish with colorful and active personality.
These fish can endure a range of aquatic conditions and thrive even in the fish fillet diet.
They are freshwater fish compatible with saltwater tropical fish placed in the same tank.
There are many species, each with a different look, pattern, color and behavior.
They belong to a maze of fish.
These fish have a special organ behind their fins called a maze that can help them breathe oxygen from the air.
The following paragraphs will help you understand everything you need to take care of the gour fish.
Taking care of these fish basically requires the owner to remember some of the basic needs of the fish.
We will be following the article to quickly understand the requirements of some species for species care.
As mentioned earlier, the requirements for these fish are not very high. They are semi-
It is offensive in nature, so it can be done well in community tanks.
So make sure you choose one and a half
Aggressive species
The size of the storage tank substrate should be fine or medium.
Select a neutral color substrate.
The optimal temperature range of water should be around 74 to 79 degrees Fahrenheit.
The nature of water should be neutral or slightly acidic.
In addition, soft water is more suitable for food lovers.
Place some natural vegetation around the tank.
Grow in this private water garden.
They may be a little aggressive with a few fish.
So make sure you get home like gurmi.
They are usually peaceful, but they tend to lose patience when they surround angelfish, bettas, and even other fish of the same species.
So, you can put them on the bodies of La Boras, live fish, Tetris, barks, cockroaches, plecos, danios, Rainbow Fish, and scavenger catfish.
Put the fish together and see how they interact.
It's good if your gourmets don't mind their presence.
Otherwise, you will need to place the fish in a separate fish tank or with the help of a glass partition in the fish tank.
When it comes to food, these fish are not picky.
When they turn on their mental patterns, they may eat the little fish in your tank!
In any case, you can feed them fish fillets, live worms, frozen food and salted shrimp.
They also like to eat black bugs and glass bugs.
If you need to turn on their breeding patterns, try feeding them a few lettuce leaves, boiled peas, and even spinach.
Any leftovers should be cleared immediately or you will end up with a muddy tank.
They spawn in the bubble nest.
These bubble nests can help them spawn and raise their gourd babies.
If you are interested in breeding these fish, you need to keep the water level below 6 inch.
The light intensity should be reduced and the water temperature should be gradually raised to 80 degrees.
This temperature rise should be carried out within a few days.
Once a foam nest is formed, do not disturb the water.
Make sure you provide a lot of hiding places for females, as males tend to be very aggressive during spawning.
There are many kinds of Gourami and I will discuss the nursing skills of several Gourami.
The blue gourd is about 5 inch long.
Females are slightly larger than males.
The fish can endure a certain temperature.
They prefer soft water, and the pH should be slightly acidic during breeding.
The pH value of the dwarf fish is about 7.
The pH should not be lower than 6 and should not be higher than 8.
The temperature range is about 70-82. 5° F.
Like all gourmets, they are omnivores in nature and eat flakes, frozen and live food.
The color of the male is very bright and the size of the female is a bit dull.
Therefore, it is easier to pair and induce breeding.
Other Gouramis fish are slightly different.
This is because these fish are about 70 cm long.
They were omnivores and turned out to be greedy predators.
They mainly need to feed live fish.
Once you take them home, they need to be fed dry food.
Otherwise, you will have to pay huge bills for live fish.
They require a temperature of 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of about 6. 5 to 8. 0.
They are beautiful fish and do not need special treatment.
Just make sure you meet their basic needs and the fish will continue to swim happily in your tank.
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