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gluten-free italy: travel tips - - gluten free restaurant dishes

by:Two Eight     2019-08-22
gluten-free italy: travel tips -  -  gluten free restaurant dishes
Before I recently went to Italy, a friend of mine and I sat down for lunch at a popular restaurant in Westchester, New York.
I asked the waiter if the chef could prepare gluten for me.
He replied eagerly: "Yes, no problem, they can do something without sugar!
A week later, I sat down for lunch with a friend at a popular restaurant in Rome and I asked the same question.
The waiter said to me: "Yes, no problem, we have a lot of customers with gluten --free.
"(By the way, this restaurant is: La Scaletta, near the Pantheon of Via della Maddalena 46/49-tel. 066792149.
When I was eating delicious gluten
I talked about gluten free mushroom pasta.
My Roman friend and I are in the free scene in New York.
She is not a breast diarrhea patient, but she knows very well about breast diarrhea and has been examined at a very young age.
This is no coincidence;
Just because she's Italian.
The Italians knew about diarrhea and they were all examined.
Great for them but also great for us as we benefit as tourists!
A lot of people have expressed interest in me to explore a relatively underdeveloped part of Italy, the heel of the boot, Pilia.
But they usually get scared because the area is not as good for tourists as Tuscany.
So I decided to go and have a look in person: I took two friends (they didn't have diarrhea but usually serious gourmets) for a ride.
It's fun because every time the restaurant owner takes out some gluten
The free food they prepared also brought the "gluten version" of the same thing ".
My friend tried each version and described these differences to me.
Like gluten.
America's free pretzels are more delicious than wheat pretzels and we found a lot of gluten
Free food in Italy is more delicious than gluten version of the same food!
These fried squid won one of the taste tests: We had a great time and met some people who were really committed to glutenfree cause.
For example, Pizzeria Luigi (atpizza pizza in 91), who won awards from all over Puglia for his very good pizza (check his trophies in the photo background)
) He has a family friend with diarrhea, so he decided to make gluten
Free pizza.
Now on the weekend, he makes 50 to 60 gluten
Free pizza in a special "lab", a room next to his regular kitchen.
He had a separate oven, separate utensils, and basically separated everything.
He said he was very happy to see the kids excited about gluten. free pizza.
Let me tell you that pizza is the best pizza I 've ever had!
(Note varieties: some mushrooms, some spicy salami, some ham, some artichokes and some Plains!
) Some tips for tourists going anywhere in Italy this summer and fall: Plan your day carefully: use Google maps to determine where the site you want to go, where are the restaurants with gluten nearby-free food.
It is always a good idea to call the restaurant in advance to book, request gluten
Dine for free and make sure they are actually open!
The last part may seem a bit silly, but for example, when I was in Bari on Sunday and having lunch in Lecce on Saturday, there were not many restaurants open for various reasons, especially for private parties at the restaurant.
Please keep in mind that when you ask to get gluten
The restaurant offers free food. The first reaction may be "no ".
In this case, ask again in a different way!
The deal is like this: The Italians have a national, very coordinated Association of Milk diarrhea, which works closely with restaurants to serve gluten
Free food prepared in a completely non-contaminated environment.
The restaurant is equipped with a separate "lab" with a separate oven, stove, utensils and cookware to prepare glutenfree food.
The special laboratory of the restaurant is inspected every six months.
If there is any violation of the food preparation rules, the restaurant will remove it from gluten
List the restaurant free of charge before the violation is remedied.
The restaurant owner was very excited.
Watch out for gluten-
They serve free food.
So, if you go to a restaurant that doesn't work directly with the Italian milk and diarrhea Association, the owner/manager may automatically say they are "not ready" or "not set up" to provide you with glutenfree meal.
This is just a way to show you that they are not participating in this project.
You can still enjoy a delicious meal at a restaurant that is not directly involved in the project, as the restaurant often has gluten
Offering free pasta to their regular customers, they are already very familiar with diarrhea and glutenfree food.
Even if they don't have gluten
The free pasta is hidden and they can still easily prepare a "second Redwood" for you, that is, a meat with gluten, chicken, rabbit, veal orfree.
So you should let them know that you know that they are not participating in the project of the Italian milk and diarrhea Association, but you would love to eat gluten
Free "secondary" in their restaurant ".
If you want gluten
Free pizza ("Pizza senza gluine"), you 'd better find it at night instead of during the day, as Italians tend to have bigger lunches and smaller dinners.
Not even gluten in many places.
Free pizza during the day.
In addition to restaurants and pizzeria participating in the project of the Italian milk and diarrhea Association, there are also restaurants and pizzeria serving gluten
Free pizza under the guidance of a commercial enterprise DS.
This is a brand of Dr.
All the right cooking tools, gluten for the restaurant-
Free food and ingredients to train operators to prepare meals safely.
The restaurant involved in this project is called DS pizza place.
Be sure to call in advance when you stay at the hotel and ask if they can provide you with service
Free breakfast ("colazione senza gluine ").
Most hotels and B & B offer free continental breakfast.
Notice in advance that they can order gluten
Provide you food free of charge from the pharmacy or make it yourself.
You can eat hot gluten like me
Free croissants (known as "cornetti senza Gourmet"), breads and cupcakes are served for breakfast.
If your hotel says they can't provide you with gluten food
For free breakfast, you can buy some GF products from any pharmacy and bring them to the hotel for breakfast.
You can also buy gluten
There is free bread and use it for lunch with some fresh cheese and cold cuts (when you walk into any food store in Italy they will tell you which cold cuts are gluten --
Most of them are free. L.
Ice cream ("ice cream"): You can't go to Italy without tasting delicious ice cream, but be careful.
Like in the US, gluten is thrown into something you don't expect, and in Italy, gluten is thrown in too.
Obviously, you need to stay away from the flavors that contain cookies, but also be absolutely sure that there is no cross-contamination;
You should go to the designated ice cream shop that provides GF ice cream.
Where you can often get gluten
Free ice cream cone ("cono senza gluine ").
You can also pre-
If you are looking for this poster to prepare ice cream at a bar or restaurant: hotels, B & B, restaurants, pizza shops, and ice cream shops are part of the project of the Italian milk and diarrhea Association and the DS project, as well as many venues recommended by other singles on site in the tourist area, key information such as location and price are listed
Free guided tours in Italy.
If you find yourself in Puglia, check out the following excellent restaurants/Pizzeria: Trani: Donna Rosa Corso Vette.
Contact number Emmanuele, 138
0883764958 Barry: reach Naples via Piccinni 187/189 phone. 080.
9905452 eberobello: contact number via Monte Sabotino 24, Il Forno di Cristo. 080.
4324040 Palmariggi: Sciarabba via Rome 45 phone.
354497 Taviano: Capri Pizza Studio, 91
Marina di mangesar
392 5336716, viaggio rush to appetito!
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