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Facts About the Fish Tongue Parasite - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-01
Facts About the Fish Tongue Parasite  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
The fish tongue parasite gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "bite your tongue.
Not only does it bite the owner's tongue, it will replace it!
AnimalSake brings you detailed information about this parasite.
The parasite on the tip of the fish tongue, Cymothoa exigua, was published in the 2012 film "bay ".
The main character of the film is a group of tongues.
Eat blinds that become huge due to toxic waste and then start infecting residents of a small town in Chesapeake Bay.
The fish tongue sender is a kind of sender, belonging to the moth family, and is a parasitic sufficient animal such as shellfish.
It enters the fish through its fins.
The male fish lives on the fins of the fish, while the female is attached to the tongue and acts as the functional tongue of the fish.
To date, eximoth is the only known parasite that can replace an organ or remove any other structure from the host.
The occurrence of fish tongue parasites is quite common.
It can be found from the Gulf of California to the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador.
C also happened in waters near Colombia and New Zealand. exigua.
The depth of its discovery ranges from 6 feet 7 to nearly 200 deep. The tongue-
Eating parasites can infect the mouth of the fish and use it to grow and breed.
When the parasite is attached to the host, it will reproduce sexually and produce free-
Swim larvae that start looking for potential hosts immediately after birth.
Females can grow to 0. 3-1.
Length 1 inch, 0. 16-0.
55 inch wide, while the male increased by 0. 3-0.
Length 6 inch, 0. 12-0. 28 inches wide.
The woman showed the presence of six pairs of legs and five chins.
While the parasite is mainly infected with apper fish, it is reported that the other 7 species are also infected with the parasite, including croaker fish, grunt fish, gr fish and drums fish.
Once the baby and other animals enter the mouth of the fish, it will attach to the tongue of the fish and start drawing blood with claws.
When the parasite feeds on the tongue, the amount of blood received by the tongue gradually decreases, and the organs eventually shrink.
Once this happens, the wait foot will lock at the bottom of the tongue, itself like the tongue of the fish.
It now survives by eating the master's blood and the mucus of the fish.
The fish tongue parasite is a native species with sequential homonym.
In an original species, because the size of the female is related to fertility, there is a gender choice for larger females.
Sequential tonality means the natural sex change of the organism in its life cycle.
These foreign parasites were born as males and are converted into females only when attached to the host tongue.
If the female does not or dies, the male becomes female and grabs the shrinking tongue.
Studies have shown that the location of the parasite in the host depends on the number of equopod animals present.
If the host is not infected, a parasite is found on the tongue.
If there are two equal-footed animals, one is present on the tongue and the other is present in the cavity between the fish beard and the tongue.
If there are three or more equal foot classes in a single host, one equal foot class is located on the tongue and one is located on the gill-
The tongue cavity is right behind the female, and the rest is attached to the thorn bow.
Then the first infection was pre-
The infected host, mated with the female.
A female can produce about 400 to 720 eggs, of which about 200 are ripe.
However, according to a recent study, the woman has only bred once in her life.
When hatching, the egg is released as manca (pl.
Mancae), by searching for chemical clues in the environment, immediately start searching for a new suitable host.
This parasite is relatively harmless to humans unless it is picked up by bare hands, and in this case it bites. It is non-
It is poisonous and does not consume human tongue.
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