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Electric Eel Facts - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-03
Electric Eel Facts  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
There are many misconceptions about electric eel.
This article will help clear many of them.
In this article, we will read this extraordinary animal in detail. .
Although they are called eel, they actually have nothing to do with eel, just look similar to eel.
Electric Eel is related to carp and catfish.
They are known for the powerful charges they generate, whether hunting or self-defense.
The charge is produced in a pair of organs in the eel abdomen.
The size of these organs is so large that they occupy 80% of the abdominal space, leaving about 20% of the space for other important organs.
Like the real eel, the appearance of the electric eel is snake.
They are found in fresh water and get their names from the charges they generate.
They are common in South America in the Amazon and orinoko basins, including Guyana.
They prefer to stay in dark streams and ponds, but in calm waters.
They often have flood zones, swamps, creeks and coastal plans.
Their skin is thick and slippery.
They are known to be 8 feet long.
They weigh about 45 pounds.
The electric eel has a long and cylindrical body, but the head is flat and can easily be found.
Their back is usually dark green or gray but yellow below.
Electric Eel has poor eyesight and is active at night in nature.
Electric eel is a meat eater.
They feed mainly fish, amphibians, small birds and even small mammals.
Young eels feed on animals such as shrimps.
Adults can also eat shellfish.
The difference between these animals and other animals is their electricity.
Produce organs.
They have three pairs of electronic organs.
These organs are made of electric plates and arranged in a row.
These three plates are connected to each other, so that even a small discharge increases the manifold and creates a charge.
When the charge accumulates, it becomes strong enough to kill small animals.
The charge is also used as a signal to communicate with each other.
It can be seen that the signal from male fish is the largest, most noisy and most frequent, while the signal from female electric eel is short and lasting.
In addition to having electrical organs, electric eels has another peculiar characteristic.
They breathe the air.
They have a complex breathing mechanism so they have to come to the water after regular breathing.
It is well known that electric eel has unusual breeding behavior.
In the dry season, male electric eel nests with saliva.
Females spawn in these nests.
You will be surprised to know that as many as 17000 electric eels have been hatched in one spawn.
Usually, the first one
The Born Electric eel eats the eggs from the batches that spawn after them.
Humans should keep a distance from the electric eel, because the electric eel will repeatedly shock, which can lead to respiratory distress and/or heart failure.
Again, it is recommended not to keep them at home as pets.
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