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Eating Habits of Different Species of Eels - proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant

by:Two Eight     2019-09-01
Eating Habits of Different Species of Eels  -  proper way of hand wash dishes in a restaurant
What do you think eel eats?
In fact, the diet varies depending on the species considered.
However, eel is usually a predator and meat is needed for survival. Here\'s more. . .
As we all know, eel has a highly developed sense of smell. On the flip-
On the other hand, they also have poor eyesight.
The term "eel" refers to a fish known for its slender body.
Their length may vary from species to species, but in terms of their eating habits, most eels have one thing in common --
They are predators and experts in hunting prey.
They trace their prey with a keen sense of smell.
While their habitat varies from sea to River to Lake, most prefer to live in the shallow depths of the water.
Still, we care about what they eat so far!
Other things related to them attracted another article on another day.
So, go into what we're talking about specifically on this page, here's the eating habits of some of the most important eel species.
Electric Eel is known for its ability to make a fatal impact on its prey, and they prefer to live in swamps and muddy waters of rivers that flood plains, coastal plains and creeks.
The diet of electric eel will vary depending on age.
For example, small eel is served by insects, while young shrimps are usually served by shellfish such as crabs and shrimps.
Sometimes they also like to eat the younger eel of their own species.
Eels prefer small mammals and fish when they grow up.
It is also noted that adult eels live on birds. Well-
The wolf eel is known for its fierce appearance and is a fierce predator.
The weight is around 40 lbs and the body length is around 200 cm M, which may seem dangerous, but instead people find them very friendly.
These are generally lighter.
Their habitat is usually the underlying shelf, reef and Cave of stone.
The diet of the wolf eel changes with its growth, the young eel eats plankton, while the older Eel prefers hard food
Shell animals such as crabs, sea urchins, sand money, snails, clams and mussels.
The wolf eel has a strong chin and pointed front teeth that can squeeze hard objects.
The chin is like a nut cookie, which allows them to enjoy hard and crisp food
There are also animals with shells.
Sea eel is a large eel that looks very similar to a snake.
There are more than 200 different species of this species, most of which are giant sea fish and snowflake sea fish.
They are essentially ambush predators, hidden in cracks in rocks and coral reefs, and in caves under the sea.
The length of Moray eels can be up to 3 m, while the length of snowflake eels is about 24 inch m.
Snowflake eel is very gentle to humans, so it is common in indoor aquariums.
Generally speaking, sea fish and eel mainly prey on soft animals such as sea fish, squid and even octopus.
In fact, octopus is their favorite food.
They also like to eat shellfish such as lobsters and crabs.
They also like to eat small varieties of eel.
Sand eel is usually eaten by seabirds, small and slender, living in shallow water near the bottom of the sea.
They dodge predators by drilling into the sand.
Sand eels are omnivores because they eat both vegetable and meat.
They are served with hairy, worms, shellfish (such as UEFA, foot, lobster, crab, and bipedal.
Like creatures that make up an important part of their diet.
They do not hesitate to prey on the larvae and eggs of other fish, especially those belonging to their own species.
However, they all like to eat a variety of plankton, such as plankton and plankton.
Peacock eel, known for its spiny slender structure, is really beautiful because they decorate 3 to 6 decorative "eye spots" at the back of the body ".
The peacock eel is about 12 inch long and light-brown color.
In addition, an attractive fine yellow line extends from the eye to the length of the body and ends at the bottom of the tail.
Peacock eel is a species of shallow water and likes to live in slow-flowing rivers and streams growing with dense vegetation.
They are nocturnal species, which means they feed only at night.
The staple food of peacock eel is worms and shellfish.
They love shrimp, blood worms, earthworms and black worms.
They also prey on crickets, insect larvae, and other small eels.
American eels are opportunistic diners, and at that point they will eat whatever they can access.
This means they can even eat rotten meat (dead animals), but their prey is mainly shellfish and small fish.
The larvae of American eel are fed by plankton, but young and older eels eat aquatic insects, frogs, worms, clams, toads and other animals.
However, due to their opportunistic nature, their eating habits have changed a lot.
This can be measured by the fact that they sometimes don't even let go of their families.
The eel has red horizontal stripes all over the body, so it is named.
In the river environment, they live in the river bed most of the time.
They are greedy predators, and they reach the maximum depth to capture their prey.
The fire eel is very slender, and the length of most species is about 1. 2 m.
Their food sources are mainly blood worms, native turtles, small fish, night crayfish, shrimp, mussels and insect larvae.
Common in coastal areas of rivers, lakes and dams, short
The fin-shaped eel is tubular and looks like a snake, about 90 cm long.
Like most other eels,
Fin eel also feeds at night.
They serve a variety of animals, including frogs, shrimps, water snails, earthworms, bipedal animals, and small fish such as bass and trout.
Belonging to Ray's family-
Eel is a fin-shaped eel known for its nightly eating habits.
Also known as the thorn eel, they can grow to 2. 5 feet long.
Their staple foods are mainly composed of black worms, earthworms, and marine insect larvae.
In an artificially raised environment, they need live food, such as native turtles, mosquito larvae, and Cyclops.
Although different species of eel have different eating habits, they eat almost any meat in the aquarium.
So, in captivity, if you can't provide live food, it doesn't hurt to feed them frozen food.
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