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doing dishes in a new york restaurant what books do you guys recommend? | warrior forum - the #1 ...

by:Two Eight     2019-08-16
doing dishes in a new york restaurant what books do you guys recommend? | warrior forum - the #1 ...
What\'s up?
Although I am new here, I have been reading it for a while.
I am starting a consulting company.
I received about 50 snail mail with personalized information.
Basically I offer free consultation and redesign service.
I also have a lot of rich old friends in the gym and I will talk to them (many business owners.
I would like to explain to them what I am doing and ask for a referral.
My favorite restaurant has just been bought out and it looks like there is no website for the new restaurant.
I do a lot of footwork when my business card comes in.
My main focus will be getting referrals.
I may do some websites for free at first, only charge for maintenance.
I will let you guys know about any clients I get and how I treat this situation.
Anyway, I have a few questions. . .
What books do you recommend related to advertising, seeking referrals, consulting, ending, etc. Audiobooks. work too.
What do you use to manage your payments and subscriptions.
Paypal is not an option for me. im US though.
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